
Vegan Landlord Restricts Meat-Cooking in Luxurious $5,000/month Apartment

**Would you rent this apartment? A vegan landlord in New York City has an unusual clause in their lease agreement: tenants are not allowed to cook meat or fish in the apartment.**

Are you willing to abide by a vegan landlord’s strict no-meat policy? In this YouTube video, Jack Stine and Spike O’Neill explore an intriguing loophole that could make all the difference. Join them as they delve into the unusual world of apartment restrictions and tenant negotiations.

But first, let’s talk about the importance of property rights and individual choice. As a big advocate for voluntary interactions and personal freedoms, Jack shares his perspective on tenants willingly agreeing to these limitations. If you choose to rent from a New York landlord who prohibits cooking life-giving protein, the responsibility lies with you, and Jack has little sympathy for the consequences that may follow.

Now, let’s dive into the psychology behind some vegans’ passive-aggressive behaviors. Jack shares an anecdote about his friend Miranda, who constantly insists on dining at exclusively vegan restaurants. While he appreciates Miranda’s dedication to her lifestyle, he can’t help but wonder why she always chooses to eat at places that cater solely to her dietary preferences. Is it a subtle way of asserting her veganism or a unique form of passive-aggression?

Bringing it back to the New York landlord, who refuses to tolerate any cooking of meat or fish in their luxury apartment building, Jack questions the authenticity of their reasons. Is it a genuine aversion to the smells, or is this merely an instance of “rich lady syndrome,” where the landlord has invented an affliction to assert their veganism even further?

Delve into the fascinating debate surrounding this controversial lease restriction by watching the full video. Gain insights into the mindset of both the vegan landlord and the tenants, who must navigate these unique circumstances in their pursuit of housing in the bustling city of New York. Discover the exquisite apartments this landlord offers, along with their hefty price tags and restrictive rules.

Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking discussion on property rights, personal choices, and the complexities of veganism in a world where restrictions can permeate even the most intimate aspects of our lives.

Tune in with Jack and Spike, weekdays from 12pm to 3pm on [KIRO Newsradio 97.3 FM](

For a more comprehensive understanding, check out the full transcript of the video.

[Source: KIRO Newsradio](

Would you rent this apartment? A vegan landlord in New York City has an unusual clause in their lease agreement: tenants are not allowed to cook meat or fish in the apartment.

Jack Stine and Spike O’Neill find a clever loophole.

Tune in with Jack and Spike, weekdays from 12pm to 3pm on KIRO Newsradio 97.3 FM.

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