
TES #10: Pierre Latscha from Starquest Capital Talks About AgTech (Agriculture+Tech)

**Title: The Future of Agriculture: Exploring AgTech with Pierre Latscha**

Welcome to the tenth episode of The Equity Story, the leading French podcast dedicated to venture capital and entrepreneurship. In this episode, I am thrilled to have Pierre Latscha, an investor at Starquest Capital, a Paris-based venture capital fund. Get ready to delve into a fascinating yet often overlooked topic: AgTech, the utilization of advanced technologies in agriculture. Today, technology plays an increasingly significant role in improving agricultural yields and resource management. From AI to drones and Big Data, Pierre takes us on an exciting journey in this lesser-known sector. Stay tuned for an enlightening discussion!

Keywords: Venture Capital, Business, FrenchTech, AgTech

**About The Equity Story:**

The Equity Story is the first French-language podcast dedicated to the world of venture capital and the tech ecosystem. With new episodes released every week, lasting about 25-30 minutes, you can find the podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud, YouTube, and our Facebook page. Subscribe now and join us on this informative journey.

**Guest: Pierre Latscha**

Joining us today is Pierre Latscha, an analyst at Starquest Capital for the past two years. Starquest Capital focuses on three main clusters within venture capital: energy efficiency, cybersecurity, and services and niche industries. Their investments primarily target early-stage startups, ranging from seed to Series A, with ticket sizes ranging from €500,000 to €1.5 million.

**Exploring AgTech: Challenges and Opportunities**

In this episode, we explore AgTech, also known as agriculture technology, and its potential to revolutionize the farming industry. Agriculture faces numerous challenges today, including food security for an estimated 9 billion people by 2050. Pierre sheds light on the major challenges the agricultural sector will face in the next 30 years and how technology can help address them effectively.

**Increasing Productivity and Finding New Solutions**

With the decrease in arable land and increasing global demand for agricultural resources, farmers are seeking ways to meet these challenges. We discuss how technology, such as AI-driven decision-making tools, can enhance productivity and find sustainable solutions. Additionally, we delve into the emergence of alternative sources of protein, such as plant-based burgers and insect-based proteins, and their potential to provide a more sustainable food supply.

**Conclusion: An Evolving Landscape**

As we dive into the fascinating world of AgTech, it becomes evident that the agricultural industry is undergoing significant changes. With factors like consumer demand, government regulation, and technological advancements, farmers will need to adapt and make choices for enhancing productivity and sustainability. Join us for this thought-provoking conversation on The Equity Story.



Dans ce dixième épisode de The Equity Story, le podcast francophone dédié au capital-risque et à entrepreneuriat, j’ai le plaisir de recevoir Pierre Latscha, investisseur dans le fonds de capital-risque parisien Starquest Capital. Préparez-vous à évoquer un sujet sous les radars mais pourtant passionnant : l’AgTech, à savoir l’utilisation des technologies de pointe dans l’agriculture. Aujourd’hui la tech tient une place grandissante dans l’agriculture pour améliorer les rendements ou veiller à la bonne utilisation des ressources. Citons par exemple l’IA, les drones ou le Big Data. Avec son regard d’investisseur, Pierre nous emmène dans un voyage passionnant dans ce secteur méconnu. Bonne écoute !

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