
Q&A with Arthur Patterson: Reflections on Founding Accel & the Origins of Venture Capital

# Q&A with Arthur Patterson, Hosted by Tom Chavez – super{set} Community Call


Welcome to the super{set} Community Call featuring a fireside chat with Arthur Patterson, the founder of venture capital firm Accel, and super{set} founding partner Tom Chavez. In this video, Arthur and Tom discuss venture investing, company-building, and share personal stories from their history together.

**Watch the full playlist of videos [here](**

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For more information about Arthur Patterson, visit [](

To learn more about Tom Chavez, check out his profile on the super{set} website [](

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**Source**: [Video Transcript](source_link)

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Q&A with Arthur Patterson, Hosted by Tom Chavez
super{set} Community Call, November 28th, 2022

Arthur Patterson, founder of venture capital firm Accel, sits down for a fireside chat with super{set} founding partner Tom Chavez as part of our biweekly super{set} Community Call. Arthur and Tom cover venture investing, company-building, and even some personal stories from their history together.

View the full playlist of videos here:
Or view on here:

For more on Arthur:
For more on Tom Chavez:
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