
Pascal Bouvier (MiddleGame Ventures) Unveils The Luxembourg PE&VC Stories

In this edition of the Luxembourg PE/VC Stories, Pascal Bouvier, Managing Partner & Co-Founder, presents MiddleGame Ventures’ activity and the road ahead for this Luxembourg-based VC focusing on financial services innovation.

## Introduction to MiddleGame Ventures

MiddleGame Ventures (MGV) is a venture capital fund that specializes in early-stage startups in the fintech industry. We focus on investments in the five key areas of financial services, including lending, capital markets, asset management, insurance, and payments.

## The Origin of “MiddleGame Ventures”

The name “MiddleGame Ventures” comes from the game of chess. The middle game is where things start to become more complex and require strategic analysis. Our name reflects our approach to investing in startups that bring innovative solutions and thinking to the financial services industry.

## Investments and Focus Areas

MGV’s first fund was incorporated and operational in January 2020. Since then, we have made several investments in 2020, 2021, and now in 2022. We focus on the financial services industry, foundational technologies, and thematic areas within fintech.

One of our primary areas of emphasis is data. We recognize the increasing importance of data in the regulated financial services sector. Startups that enable incumbents to use data in smarter and more automated ways for product delivery, risk analysis, and client engagement are particularly appealing to us.

Additionally, we see opportunities for innovation and disruption in more complex areas of the financial services industry, such as capital markets and asset management. Our focus extends beyond retail businesses to startups with business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) models. These startups aim to provide solutions to incumbent players in the industry, helping them navigate the digitization revolution.

## Sourcing Target Companies

As experienced investors in fintech, we have developed a strong network on both sides of the Atlantic. Our reputation and track record make us well-known in the industry. We receive numerous inbound inquiries from incumbents, peer investors, entrepreneurs, and law firms who are aware of our interests.

To stay ahead in our sourcing efforts, we conduct extensive research on various thesis and thematic areas. We continuously track and monitor around 1,000 startups, narrowing down our focus to 100-150 startups of particular interest. From this group, we closely follow around 20 startups that align closely with our investment criteria. Ultimately, we invest in a select few, depending on the timing and market conditions.

Our investment team is dedicated to ongoing pipeline management, ensuring that we stay informed about emerging startups and opportunities. We approach venture investing as both a science and an art, combining diligent analysis with direct conversations with entrepreneurs to identify the most promising investment opportunities.

Join us as we delve into the world of fintech innovation with Pascal Bouvier, Managing Partner & Co-Founder of MiddleGame Ventures. Discover their unique approach to investing and what lies ahead for this dynamic VC firm.

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In this edition of the Luxembourg PE/VC Stories, Pascal Bouvier, Managing Partner & Co-Founder, presents MiddleGame Ventures’ activity and the road ahead for this Luxembourg based VC focusing on financial services innovation.

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