
Panel Discussion by YL Ventures to Take Place at Cybertech Tel Aviv 2023

**Check out the recording of YL Ventures’ panel discussion at Cybertech Tel Aviv 2023!** In this panel, leading CISOs and cybersecurity entrepreneurs come together to offer their insights on the challenges presented by the current macro-environment and approaches towards success. The discussion covers important topics such as the impact of tightened security budgets on investors, cyber practitioners, and entrepreneurs, dealing with talent shortage insecurity within the cybersecurity industry, and strategies for startups to gain the trust of large enterprises.

**Panelists include:**
– Yoav Leitersdorf, Managing Partner, YL Ventures
– Frank Kim, CISO-in-residence, YL Ventures
– Adriana Winkler, Data Protection Officer, Reyes Holdings
– Greg Wilson, CISO, Putnam Investments
– Yaron Slutzky, CSO, Agoda
– Liat Hayun, Co-Founder & CEO, Eureka Security
– Meny Har, Co-Founder & CEO, Opus Security

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Keywords/Tags: [#CISOs], [#cybersecurity], [#entrepreneurs], [vid_tags]

_Transcript of the video:_

**Adriana Winkler (Data Protection Officer, Reyes Holdings):** Hi everyone, I am Adriana Winkler, a Data Protection Officer for Reyes Holdings, a conglomerate in the United States.

**Theo (Co-founder, Eureka Security):** Hi everyone, I’m Theo, co-founder of Eureka Security, a seed stage startup helping organizations protect sensitive data in the cloud.

**Gregory Wilson (Chief Financial Security Officer, Putnam Investments):** Hello everyone, my name is Gregory Wilson, Chief Financial Security Officer at Putnam Investments, an asset management firm.

**Meny Har (CEO, Opus Security):** Hey everyone, I’m Meny Har, the CEO of Opus, a cloud security mediation company.

**Frank Kim (CISO-in-residence, YL Ventures):** Hello, I’m Frank Kim, the CISO-in-residence at YL Ventures and a fellow at the Sands Institute.

Moderator: Thank you all for joining us on this panel. Let’s dive into the discussion about security budgets. We’ve heard different opinions on whether they are flat or decreasing. What are your thoughts on this, considering your roles as CSOs, entrepreneurs, and advisors?

**Yoav Leitersdorf (Managing Partner, YL Ventures):** I believe that in 2023, security budgets are not necessarily decreasing, but there is a shift towards using the budget more efficiently. We are focusing on doing more with less, carefully determining where to invest and what is crucial for our security. This includes considering FDA perspective, tooling, and security platforms.

**Adriana Winkler (Data Protection Officer, Reyes Holdings):** Quantifying and minimizing risk is key to making accurate budget decisions. It’s crucial to assess the inventory of assets and prioritize which ones require investment. Vendor consolidation plays a role too. Risk should always be factored in when deciding where to allocate the budget.

**Theo (Co-founder, Eureka Security):** From the entrepreneur’s perspective, we feel the need to demonstrate the ROI and provide significant value to the security teams. By addressing their specific needs and challenges, we can offer dedicated products that offer unique solutions. Our products can also showcase additional benefits like reducing cost, which helps justify the budget allocation.

**Gregory Wilson (Chief Financial Security Officer, Putnam Investments):** In my case, my budget has actually increased, particularly for additional personnel. However, I understand that many colleagues may face budget cuts. Building a good relationship with your CFO and having a clear roadmap of your goals and objectives can help increase your budget. It’s important not to try to be all things to all people and focus on your strengths as a vendor.

**Meny Har (CEO, Opus Security):** As an entrepreneur, I believe there are still opportunities to succeed and grow while innovating, especially during times of uncertainty. We should focus on solving real problems and providing more value to organizations that are struggling with budget constraints. Startups can offer innovative solutions that address the pain points, such as a lack of manpower.

**Frank Kim (CISO-in-residence, YL Ventures):** Budget allocation should not only consider the cost of different solutions but also the talent within our teams. Investing in cutting-edge approaches and innovation helps manage the overall portfolio. It’s essential to strike a balance between cost trade-offs and obtaining new capabilities that can provide a competitive advantage.

Overall, the panel discussion explores the changing dynamics of security budgets and highlights the need for efficient allocation, risk assessment, demonstrating ROI, and focusing on innovation and business needs.

*Source: [YL Ventures’ Panel Discussion at Cybertech Tel Aviv 2023](insert video source link here)*

Check out the recording of YL Ventures’ panel discussion at Cybertech Tel Aviv 2023!

Tune in to hear leading #CISOs and #cybersecurity #entrepreneurs as they offer their insights surrounding challenges presented by the current macro-environment and approaches towards success.

– How have tightened security budgets changed the behavior of investors, cyber practitioners, and entrepreneurs?
– How to deal with talent shortage insecurity within the cybersecurity industry?
– What ways are existed for startups to gain trust of large enterprises?

Yoav Leitersdorf, Managing Partner, YL Ventures
Frank Kim, CISO-in-residence, YL Ventures
Adriana Winkler, Data Protection Officer, Reyes Holdings
Greg Wilson, CISO, Putnam Investments
Yaron Slutzky, CSO, Agoda
Liat Hayun, Co-Founder & CEO, Eureka Security
Meny Har,Co-Founder & CEO, Opus Security

Watch Now!

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