
NordicNinja Unveils 100 Million Euro Fund at Deep Tech Atelier Riga

# **NordicNinja: Bridging the Gap to Japan and Asia**

## **About the Video**

In this press conference, Shinichi liquidy from Nordic ninja, a representative of an investment fund, shares exciting news about their partnership with Honda and Panasonic. NordicNinja’s primary focus is on investing in early-stage deep-tech companies and mobility startups based in the Nordic and Baltic regions. With their unique approach to venture capital, NordicNinja aims to accelerate the growth of these innovative companies and facilitate their expansion into the Japanese and Asian markets.

## **Investing in Deep-Tech and Mobility Startups**

NordicNinja is a newly established fund, with a hundred million target for this year. They are dedicated to supporting and scaling startups and scaleup companies that are operating in the deep-tech domain. With a passion for exploring the science behind these businesses, NordicNinja recognizes the potential for growth in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

## **Bridging Cultures for Global Success**

As part of a joint venture between the Nordic party and Japan, NordicNinja is not only providing financial support but also helping the invested companies gain access to the Japanese and Asian markets. Leveraging their vast network and expertise, NordicNinja aims to facilitate global growth and collaboration opportunities for these companies.

## **Helping Companies Thrive in the Asian Market**

NordicNinja’s ultimate goal is to assist companies in their journey towards globalization. Through their partnership with Japanese companies and their extensive network, NordicNinja enables startups to establish a strong presence in the Asian market. By bridging the gap between the Nordic and Asian regions, NordicNinja is fostering growth opportunities and enabling innovation on a global scale.

## **Tags/Keywords**
vid_tags: NordicNinja, Honda, Panasonic, investment fund, Nordic, Baltic, deep-tech, early-stage companies, mobility startups, venture capital, scaling, Japanese market, Asian market, globalization.

*Note: The source for the information provided in this video description can be found at [Source 1]( and [Source 2](*

NordicNinja, backed by Honda and Panasonic, will invest in Nordic and Baltic deep-tech early-stage companies and mobility starts-ups to accelerate their growth, and bridge them to Japan and Asia. Great niche and unique VC approach.

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