
#MPC23: Unveiling MICHauto’s Engagement in Michigan’s Competitive Island

**Title: Panel Discussion on the Future of the Auto Industry with Industry Experts**

Welcome to this panel discussion on the future of the auto industry. In this video, we have esteemed panelists including David C. Dauch, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AAM, Natalie King, Founder and CEO of Dunamis Clean Energy Partners LLC, and Richard J. Koubek, President of Michigan Technological University. The discussion is moderated by John McElroy, the host of Autoline.

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Good morning everyone! Thank you for joining us today. We appreciate you taking the time to come and exchange ideas and information. We have a fantastic lineup of panelists who will provide insights into the future of the auto industry.

First, let’s give a special thank you to Lisa, our partner and chair of the Machado board, for her instrumental role in making this event possible. We would also like to express our gratitude to the dinner sponsors and Carla Walker Miller and her company for the Afterglow.

We are thankful to our long-time partner, KPMG, as well as BCG, denzo GS3, and Toyota for their support in organizing this event. We had the privilege of hosting 60 top executives yesterday, including the Governor, who participated in engaging conversations.

Today, we will be discussing the primary drivers in this industry – digitalization and sustainability. These two factors are shaping the future of automotive innovation, and we have been working diligently to position the state of Michigan as a leader in these areas.

We are proud to announce the establishment of the new auto caucus, comprising four influential leaders who will work closely with us to drive positive change in the industry. Additionally, we celebrate the upcoming signing of distracted driving legislation into law, thanks to the efforts of Steve Kiefer and GM.

Now, let’s set the stage for today’s discussion. We secured funding from the state to implement our high-tech talent strategy, which aims to bring together industry partners, universities, and community colleges to develop a skilled workforce. We have already made significant progress in this project, with various initiatives and studies underway.

One of the highlights of today’s event is the release of the Michigan strategic inflection point report, led by Richard Florida. Richard is an esteemed urbanist theorist, and his insights will provide valuable perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in the new age of work.

As we continue to work towards solving workforce development issues, we acknowledge the support and collaboration of our partners, universities, community colleges, and economic development agencies. Together, we can shape the future of mobility and talent in Michigan.

Thank you for joining us, and we hope you find this panel discussion insightful. Stay tuned for more engaging conversations throughout the event!

– [YouTube](
– [Autoline](

Panelists: David C. Dauch, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, AAM

Natalie King, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dunamis Clean Energy Partners LLC

Richard J. Koubek, President, Michigan Technological University

Moderator: John McElroy, Host, Autoline

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