
Mobile Me & You 2021: Dan Pacheco Explores Immersive XR in Mobile Storytelling

**[Title]** Using Mixed Reality in Newsrooms: Exploring the Future of 3D Media with Dan Pacheco

In this insightful video, Dan Pacheco, a professor at Syracuse University and VR expert, delves into the intriguing topic of mixed reality (XR) in newsrooms. He discusses how open source tools can be utilized to create immersive VR and AR experiences, revolutionizing the way news organizations engage with their audience.

As Pacheco points out, while humans exist in a 3D world, our media is mostly limited to 2D formats. He believes that in the next 10 to 20 years, 3D media will take over, offering an immersive storytelling experience. News organizations can leverage XR to transport their audience into the heart of a story, enabling them to explore spaces that readers can’t access.

This video is part of Mobile Me&You, an annual journalism and technology conference that focuses on mobile media platforms and innovative storytelling techniques. The conference, held digitally on October 22 and 23 this year, featured speakers from diverse backgrounds. To explore more sessions and gain further insights, visit [Mobile Me&You](

Discover the future of journalism and technology as Dan Pacheco shares his expertise on mixed reality, XR, AR, VR, and the groundbreaking project he co-produced, Harvest of Change. Join us in this discussion and prepare to be inspired by the possibilities of 3D media.

Dan Pacheco, Syracuse University, Mobile Me, Mobile News, Mixed Reality, XR, AR, VR, Harvest of Change, 3D Media

[Mobile Me&You](

**Transcript of the Video:**

**[Timestamp: 00:00 – 00:12]**
Tools, but when it comes to anything that’s emerging, which XR is definitely emerging and constantly changing, guess what? You have to get familiar with messing around with code again.

**[Timestamp: 01:32 – 02:05]**
Today, I want to talk to you about the creation of immersive VR and AR experiences. XR, short for VR, MR, SR, and all the other R’s combined, is what I’m referring to. It’s a term gaining popularity in the realm of virtual and augmented reality. The theme today is how to accomplish these experiences right in your browser.

**[Timestamp: 03:47 – 04:28]**
Over the past five years, we’ve witnessed significant changes in the VR landscape. Initially, VR was limited to high-end headsets like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, which required a costly setup. But now, we have more accessible all-in-one headsets, like Oculus Quest, available off the shelf. With these advancements, virtual reality is becoming more prevalent, but some barriers still need to be addressed.

**[Timestamp: 06:03 – 06:54]**
In the realm of augmented reality, we’ve seen tremendous progress thanks to the introduction of APIs and SDKs by Apple and Google. Now, any developer can integrate AR features into their apps. Major news organizations have already experimented with augmented reality, but it was often limited to those with developer resources. Fortunately, we’re moving toward a more inclusive era, where the creation of AR experiences becomes increasingly affordable and accessible.

**[Timestamp: 11:20 – 12:05]**
Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the future of mixed reality, XR, AR, VR, and the potential they hold for revolutionizing newsrooms. Hear from Dan Pacheco, a renowned VR expert with Syracuse University, as he shares his insights and experiences. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into the world of 3D media.

Mobile Me&You: [](

Dan Pacheco of Syracuse University speaks about using mixed reality, or XR, in newsrooms using open source tools.

After 20 years in digital publishing, Pacheco co-produced Harvest of Change in 2014, the first large-scale virtual reality project by a commercial news organization. Humans are 3D creatures living in a 3D world, but all of our media is stuck in 2D, and Pacheco thinks 3D media will take over in the next 10 to 20 years. Anywhere journalists have access to spaces that readers don’t, news organizations can use XR to transport their audience into the story. 

Mobile Me&You is an annual journalism and technology conference about storytelling on mobile media platforms. It highlights new and innovative techniques and teaches best practices for communicating to mobile-media audiences. It was held digitally on October 22 and 23 this year and featured speakers from a variety of backgrounds.

Read more and see other sessions at

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