
Leila Zegna, Kindred Capital – Unveiling the VC Feature

**Create an Anxiety Balance Sheet: Take Control of Your Anxiety**

Are you feeling overwhelmed by anxiety? In this video, we’re going to teach you a powerful technique to regain control and reduce your anxiety levels. By creating an anxiety balance sheet, you’ll be able to identify the things that you have control over and the things that you don’t. This simple exercise will help you realize that there’s actually a lot more in your control than you think.

But before we dive into the technique, we have a special feature series for you. We’re joined by Leila Zegna, the Founding General Partner of Kindred Capital. Kindred Capital is revolutionizing the Venture Capital industry with their unique Equitable Venture model. Every founder they back becomes a co-owner of the fund, creating a fair and empowering partnership.

In this episode, Leila shares her journey from being an operator to a VC and the valuable lessons she learned along the way. She also discusses the importance of diversity in the VC industry and what European VCs can learn from their US counterparts. Leila opens up about Kindred’s Equitable Venture model, providing insights into how it works and why it’s a game-changer. She also offers advice for founders navigating the economic downturn and reveals what Kindred looks for when assessing businesses and their founders.

But that’s not all. Leila is a superwoman balancing her career and being a mother to three young kids. She shares her tips on managing it all and how she stays efficient and focused. Leila’s passion for creating the best VC firm shines through as she explains why Kindred’s aim is to be the best, not the biggest.

For more information about Leila Zegna, visit her LinkedIn profile: [Leila Zegna](

To learn more about Kindred Capital and their unique venture model, visit their website: [Kindred Capital](

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**Keywords/Tags:** anxiety, balance sheet, control, Founding General Partner, Kindred Capital, Venture Capital, Equitable Venture model, Leila Zegna, operator, diversity, European VCs, economic downturn, assessing businesses, founders, parenting, efficiency, focus, best VC firm

*Full transcript and timestamps of the episode:*

10:55 – How Leila made the transition from Operator to VC
19:18 – Why more Operators should work in VC
22:22 – What European VCs can learn from their US counterparts
25:27 – How Kindred’s Equitable Venture model works
29:00 – Advice for Founders during the economic downturn
32:25 – What Kindred looks for in businesses and their Founders
37:21 – Managing a career and motherhood: Leila’s tips
41:36 – Kindred’s aim: the best, not the biggest.

“Create an anxiety balance sheet with the things you have control over and the things you don’t have control over. Put the things that give you anxiety into these credits and debits and you’ll realise that actually there’s a lot more that’s in your control than you think.” 

Kicking off our 40 Minute Mentor VC feature series, we’re joined by Leila Zegna, the Founding General Partner of Kindred Capital. 

Kindred are building a new model for Venture Capital where every Founder they back becomes a co-owner of the fund. Launched in 2015, Leila and her Co-Founders are on a mission to create the venture firm they would have wanted to work with when they were running Startups themselves. 

Leila tells us more about their Equitable Venture model in today’s episode, along with some candid mentorship, including: 

10:55 ➡️ How she made the transition from Operator to VC
19:18 ➡️ Why more Operators should work in VC
22:22 ➡️ What European VCs can learn from their US counterparts
25:27 ➡️ How Kindred’s Equitable Venture model works
29:00 ➡️ What advice Founders should keep in mind as they face the economic downturn
32:25 ➡️ What Leila and the Kindred team are looking for when assessing businesses and their Founders
37:21 ➡️ How Leila does everything she does all while having three kids under the age of 6
41:36 ➡️ And why she wants Kindred to be the best of its kind and not the biggest

⛳️  Helpful links: 

➡️ More about Leila: 

➡️ More about Kindred Capital: 

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