
La storia del locale Da Ö Vittorio a Recco, Genova

## Storie Enogastronomiche: Discovering the Flavors of Genova and Liguria at Ö Vittorio

Welcome to Storie Enogastronomiche! In this captivating video, Federico Bisso takes us on a journey to Ö Vittorio, one of the most important and fascinating establishments in the world. Operated by the Bisso family for five generations, Ö Vittorio is a true testament to their dedication in preserving the local gastronomic heritage of Liguria.

From the moment you step foot into this century-old restaurant, you are transported to a time where culinary traditions thrived. Ö Vittorio showcases the very best of historic Ligurian cuisine, presenting unforgettable specialties that are bound to leave a lasting impression on your taste buds.

But what makes Ö Vittorio truly remarkable? It is the heart and soul of the Bisso family, whose commitment to carrying on their legacy shines through in every dish. Join Federico as he shares the rich history of Ö Vittorio, dating back to its inception in 1860 when it was known as Joe Buono visto Ed – a postal station and a meeting point for travelers and locals.

The real turning point for Ö Vittorio came in the 1960s, when Genova was a city bustling with theaters. The restaurant became a favorite haunt for famous personalities like Gino Bramieri and Walter Chiari, who would entertain patrons with their jokes and stories until the early hours of the morning. Ö Vittorio became synonymous with late-night feasts of their renowned Focaccia di Recco col formaggio, a dish that has become an icon of Ligurian cuisine.

Today, Ö Vittorio continues to flourish under the guidance of Federico’s father, attracting not just the local community, but also tourists from far and wide. As the gastronomic capital of Liguria, Ö Vittorio stands at the forefront, proud to represent a centuries-old culinary tradition. Their dedication has led to the establishment of a network of affiliated restaurants and a consortium that promotes Ligurian cuisine worldwide.

While Ö Vittorio is famous for its Focaccia di Recco col formaggio, their menu also boasts a variety of authentic Ligurian dishes, such as trofie and bassotti – a delightful combination of traditional flavors and modern influences. At Ö Vittorio, they stay true to their roots, embracing the past while incorporating subtle updates to keep their cuisine relevant in today’s culinary landscape.

Join us on this captivating journey and experience the flavors of Genova and Liguria like never before. Don’t forget to subscribe to Storie Enogastronomiche for more culinary adventures.

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Uno dei locali più importanti e affascinanti del mondo che commuove per la dedizione con cui la famiglia Bisso la gestisce da cinque generazioni conservando la memoria gastronomica locale e proponendo tutto il meglio della cucina storica ligure: queste le specialità imperdibili. Ci racconta tutto Federico Bisso


Da Ö Vittorio a Recco (GE), storia gloriosa e sapori fenomenali di un immenso ristorante secolare


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