
Investment Today at South Summit 2020: Seaya Ventures, Bolsa Social, Attalea Partners

Investment Today – Responsible Investing, ESG, and Impact Investing

In this insightful video, we delve into the world of responsible investing and explore the concepts of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and impact investing. Maria Marie del Val, partner at Attalea Partners, leads the discussion, bringing together experts from the industry to shed light on these important topics.

Over the past nine months, responsible investing has gained significant traction, with almost 50 percent of venture capital firms in Spain embracing the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing. This shift highlights the growing importance of considering social and environmental impact when making investment decisions.

To grasp the key concepts of responsible investing, it’s crucial to understand ESG and impact investing. ESG focuses on incorporating environmental, social, and governance factors into investment processes and company strategies to generate and preserve value. For instance, tech firms prioritize cyber security, while fintech companies emphasize consumer protection. Agritech and medtech industries, on the other hand, place great importance on environmental factors.

In contrast, impact investing centers around purpose and serves as a dedicated investment strategy. Many believe that impact investing holds the potential to become a distinct asset class. The goal of impact investing is to achieve positive returns alongside positive social or environmental impact. Both ESG and impact investing contribute to building a better world.

On this panel, we are joined by esteemed experts who provide valuable insights into responsible investing. Cyril Gouiffès, Head of Social Impact at the European Investment Fund (EIF), shares his views on the difference between ESG and impact investing, as well as the correlation between impact and investment returns in the realm of responsible investing. The EIF, known as the most important institutional investor in Europe, has played a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of investing through its commitment to impact investing.

Antonio Giménez de Córdoba, Partner at Seaya Ventures, also joins the conversation. Seaya Ventures was one of the first players in the venture capital arena to sign up for the UNPRI (United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment). Antonio explains the driving force behind Seaya’s decision to embrace responsible investing and sheds light on the changes they implemented within their organization and investment processes.

Lastly, José Moncada, Managing Partner of Bolsa Social, shares his perspective as an impact investor. Bolsa Social focuses on investing in projects and startups that intentionally pursue a positive impact, be it environmental, social, or otherwise.

Join us as we explore the nuances of responsible investing in this thought-provoking discussion.


Source links:
– [European Investment Fund (EIF)](
– [United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing (UNPRI)](
– [Seaya Ventures](
– [Bolsa Social](

Innovation, Investment & Ecosystem – “Investment Today”
– Cyril Gouiffès – EIF
– Antonio Giménez de Córdoba – Seaya Ventures
– José Moncada – Bolsa Social
– María Merry del Val – Attalea Partners

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