
“Improved Prognosis: Early Stage Breast Cancer Diagnosis Leads to Long-Term Survival for Majority of Women”

Breast Cancer Deaths Decline Over The Years: A Study

According to a study, the risk of dying for those diagnosed with breast cancer is highest during the first five years after diagnosis. However, the risk has decreased from 14% in the 1990s to 5% today, which is a substantial improvement. More importantly, 60% of those diagnosed with early breast cancer has a five-year mortality risk as low as 3% between 2010 and 2015.

The Study

The conclusions of this study were drawn from the data of over half a million English women diagnosed with early invasive breast cancer from 1993 to 2015. These women received surgery, and follow-up data was collected in 2020. The authors, in a news release about the study, said that the findings are good news for the majority of women diagnosed with early breast cancer today because their prognosis has improved so much.

Why Breast Cancer Deaths are Declining

According to the authors of the study, the biology of the disease might have changed over the two decades. This change is due to hormonal changes associated with obesity, reproductive factors, and the use of hormone replacement therapy. Additionally, the development of new therapies and the more precise targeting of interventions like surgery and radiotherapy undoubtedly contributed to the decrease in mortality during the study.

Decline of US Cancer Deaths

Cancer deaths in the US have been declining for more than three decades, even with the COVID-19 pandemic. This decline is due to factors such as prevention, early detection, and more effective treatment. A report from the American Cancer Society released in January revealed that while cancer deaths have dropped by a third since 1991, breast cancer diagnoses have been on a slow rise of about 0.5% per year since the mid-2000s. This increase is due in part to the decline in fertility rate and the rise in obesity.


These findings are good news, and it is a testament to the advances being made in the fight against cancer. If the trend continues, it will bring a sense of relief to those who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Furthermore, it reinforces the need to continue research into new therapies, targeting interventions like surgery and radiotherapy to reduce the mortality and morbidity rate related to breast cancer.

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