
How does the current economic situation affect venture capital funds’ sentiments?

**Title:** The Impact of Current Economic Situation on Venture Capital Funds: Insights from PFR Ventures and INOVO Venture Partners

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns have created an unprecedented economic crisis. Now, with the specter of recession looming and a war raging at our eastern border, the startup industry has been hit the hardest. How are the venture capital funds coping with this economic upheaval, and what are the implications for our startup ecosystem?

In this insightful interview, we spoke to representatives from PFR Ventures and INOVO Venture Partners to get a pulse on the current situation. From their perspective, we learn about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, as well as their thoughts on the overall state of the VC market in Poland.

Watch this video to gain valuable insights into the state of venture capital funds in Poland, and how they’re responding to the current economic situation.

📎 For the full article, head over to [MamStartup](

**Keywords/tags:** COVID-19, lockdowns, recession, startup industry, venture capital funds, PFR Ventures, INOVO Venture Partners.

**Transcript:** (Not provided)

– [MamStartup](
– [Image source](

Najpierw COVID-19 i lockdowny, a teraz wojna za wschodnią granicą i widmo recesji. Jak obecna sytuacja gospodarcza wpływa na nastroje funduszy venture capital? Sprawdziliśmy to wspólnie z PFR Ventures i INOVO Venture Partners.


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