
Gregory Dewerpe from A/O PropTech featured on CNBC’s Squawk Box Europe


Investing in Proptech for Climate Crisis | CNBC Interview with Gregory Dewerpe


Welcome to CNBC’s Squawk Box Europe! In this interview, Gregory Dewerpe, founder of Europe’s largest proptech venture capital firm A/O PropTech, discusses the key to addressing the climate crisis through strategic investments in reducing CO2 emissions. Dewerpe emphasizes the importance of a coordinated plan between investors and policymakers to incentivize and foster innovation and retrofitting across the real estate industry.

As temperatures in Britain reach record highs, with a red extreme heat warning in effect, it is crucial to focus on investments that combat climate change. Dewerpe advises viewers to invest in technologies that contribute to the decarbonization of our economies. Surprisingly, the most polluting industry worldwide is the real estate sector, accounting for 40% of greenhouse gas emissions — more than any other industry[^1^]. This revelation calls for increased educational efforts to drive awareness and action towards climate-friendly investments.

Investing in the transition of the real estate industry and critical infrastructure should be a top priority when allocating resources and policy-making decisions. Dewerpe urges viewers to explore investment opportunities in proptech ventures that aim to decarbonize the built world and enhance resilience in the face of climate change. By addressing mission-critical problems, these technology-driven solutions can create substantial long-term businesses, regardless of market fluctuations or inflation[^2^].

The UK government is set to publish a national strategy later this year, focusing on the failures revealed during times of extreme heat. Retrofitting plays a vital role in minimizing risks and enhancing infrastructure. With an estimated annual investment requirement of $10 trillion[^3^], retrofitting technologies offer a tremendous opportunity for growth. Dewerpe stresses the need to invest in energy efficiency, intelligent control systems, and innovative insulation materials to make buildings more energy-efficient and adaptive to varying temperatures. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of government involvement in providing financing tools and incentives to encourage adoption of retrofitting technologies by end-users[^4^].

Watch the full CNBC interview to gain insights from Gregory Dewerpe on investing in proptech ventures to tackle the climate crisis and how these investments can create valuable businesses while driving sustainability.


Climate crisis, proptech, CO2 emissions, investments, policy makers, incentives, innovation, retrofitting, real estate industry, climate change, educational initiatives, mission-critical problems, decarbonization, resilience, technology-driven solutions, UK government, national strategy, extreme heat, infrastructure, retrofitting technologies, energy efficiency, intelligent control systems, insulation materials, government involvement, financing tools, sustainability.


To access the full transcript of this video, click [here](source_transcript).

Speaking to Steve Sedgwick and Karen Tso on CNBC’s Squawk Box Europe, Gregory Dewerpe, founder of Europe’s largest proptech VC A/O PropTech states that the key to tackling the climate crisis is investing in firms that reduce CO2 emissions and the need for a coordinated plan between investors and policy makers to deliver incentives and policy making that will encourage investment in innovation and retrofitting across the real estate industry.

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