
#futurework23: Keynote Address – “Driving Transformation”

Check out this YouTube video featuring Ilka Horstmeier, a member of the BMW AG board, discussing future work and the transformation of the industry. She explores topics such as artificial intelligence, new work, and the need for change in order to align economic success with environmental and social responsibility.

In the video, Horstmeier emphasizes the importance of innovative technologies, attractive products, and the reshaping of value chains, factories, and work methods. The aim is to make BMW more electric, digital, and circular, creating a sustainable and appealing offering for customers worldwide.

Horstmeier highlights the need for a proper mindset and understanding that change is constant, and that leadership plays a crucial role during turning points in a company’s history. She shares examples of past turning points at BMW and underlines the importance of having the courage to continue, even in challenging times.

To successfully transform, Horstmeier suggests a holistic approach, where product design, processes, people, and places are considered from the start. She discusses the transformation of BMW’s traditional factory in Munich, showcasing the successful integration of electric vehicles into production.

Ultimately, Horstmeier encourages leaders to think 360 degrees and make decisions involving product, process, people, and places simultaneously. She also stresses the importance of collaboration with various stakeholders in order to create a future-proof and sustainable vision.

If you’re interested in the future of work, digital transformation, and the automotive industry, this video provides valuable insights from one of BMW’s top executives.

For more information and inspiration, check out the official BMW website.

Source: [BMW](

Praxisnähe und Inspiration mit Ilka Horstmeier, Mitglied des Vorstands der BMW AG, Personal und Immobilien, Arbeitsdirektorin.

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