
Fostering Innovation in the Industrial Metaverse: Exploring the Path Forward

# The Industrial Metaverse – Fostering Innovation in the Digital Age

Welcome to our latest webinar titled “The Industrial Metaverse – How do we foster innovation?” In this discussion, we will explore the immense potential of digital-twin technology and how it is transforming industries such as aerospace, automotive, and government institutions like never before[^1^]. While consumer applications of the metaverse have grabbed recent headlines, the industrial deployment holds the key to its future[^2^].

Join our expert panel to understand the challenges faced by this technology and how public policy can unlock its full potential. From scalability and reliability to low latency connectivity and energy requirements, we will delve into the elements needed to promote collaboration and interoperability while ensuring individual privacy[^1^].

## Meet Our Panel of Experts

Our discussion will be moderated by Simona Lipstaite, Head of EU & UK at Access Partnership. She will be joined by:

1. Dr. Volker Ziegler, Senior Technology Advisor & Chief Architect at Nokia
2. Simon Bennett, Head of Innovation and Incubation at AVEVA
3. Greg Demchak, Senior Director, Digital Innovation Lab at Bentley Systems
4. Matthieu Worm, Senior Principal Key Expert for Simulation & Digital Twin (R&D) at Siemens[^1^]

## Exploring the Industrial Metaverse

During the webinar, we will dive into the various use cases of the industrial metaverse and how it is revolutionizing manufacturing and interaction with physical entities across different industries[^2^]. From BMW’s digital version of its electric vehicle facility to the concept of digital twins that allow for full-scale testing in a sandbox environment, our experts will shed light on the potential and practical applications of this technology[^1^][^2^].

## Overcoming Challenges and Ensuring Privacy

While the industrial metaverse offers great opportunities, there are significant challenges that need to be addressed. We will discuss aspects such as scalability, reliability, low latency connectivity, and energy requirements for immersive industrial experiences[^1^]. Additionally, our panel will touch upon the governance perspective, exploring how an industrial metaverse can foster innovation while respecting individual privacy and promoting inclusivity and collaboration[^1^].

## About Access Partnership

Access Partnership is a technology and digital policy consultancy working worldwide, specializing in bridging the gap between policy and technology. With expertise in metaverse technology and its implications, we work closely with both industry and governments to navigate the evolving landscape of digital innovation[^1^].

## Join the Conversation

We invite you to submit your questions through the chat box. Our panel will do their best to address as many of them as possible during the Q&A session. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the future of the industrial metaverse!

_[Watch the video on YouTube](youtube-link)_

_[Read more about the Industrial Metaverse on Metaverse Insider](metaverse-insider-link)_

# References

[^1^]: [Metaverse Insider: The Industrial Metaverse – How do we foster innovation?](metaverse-insider-link)
[^2^]: [Boeing, BMW, and Singaporean Government Embrace Digital Twin Technology](authority-link1)
[^3^]: [The Future of the Industrial Metaverse](authority-link2)

Digital-twin technology is already transforming institutions as diverse as Boeing, BMW, and the Singaporean Government. Agriculture and defence are among the sectors poised to reap similar benefits over the coming years.

While consumer applications of the metaverse have dominated recent headlines, industrial deployment could hold the key to its future. But what challenges lie ahead?

Our latest webinar with Metaverse Insider, ‘The Industrial Metaverse – How do we foster innovation?’, will explore how public policy can unlock this technology’s immense potential.

From scalability and reliability to low latency connectivity and energy requirements, join us to discover how to promote collaboration and interoperability while respecting individual privacy.


– Simona Lipstaite, Head of EU & UK at Access Partnership (moderator)
– Dr. Volker Ziegler, Senior Technology Advisor & Chief Architect at Nokia
– Simon Bennett, Head of Innovation and Incubation at AVEVA
– Greg Demchak, Senior Director, Digital Innovation Lab at Bentley Systems
– Matthieu Worm, Senior Principal Key Expert for Simulation & Digital Twin (Research & Development) at Siemens

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