
Finding the Right Balance Between Growth and Efficiency in Challenging Times: An Insight from Point Nine Managing Partner, Christoph Janz

**Title: Weatherproofing Your Financial Plan for the Funding Downturn | B2B SaaS Startups**

In the rapidly changing VC funding environment, it’s crucial for B2B SaaS startups to weatherproof their financial plans. Join Christoph, a partner at 0.9 Capital, as he shares tactical advice on balancing growth and efficiency in tougher times. 🔥 Check out the slides from the session: [Mind the Gap: Balancing Growth and Efficiency in Tougher Times](

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**Keywords/Tags:** saas, saastr, software as a service, startups, saas startups, tech startups, startup company, start-up business, starting a business, entrepreneur ideas, successful entrepreneurs, becoming an entrepreneur, how to be a successful tech entrepreneur

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In the last few weeks, the VC funding environment has changed dramatically. In this session, Christoph will share tactical advice on how to weatherproof your financial plan for the funding downturn.

You can see Christoph’s slides here:

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