
Family Strong, Part 1 – Superhero: Unleashing Your Inner Potential

*Part 1 of Family Strong with Pastor Raymond Woodward. February 22nd, 2023.*

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Welcome to Part 1 of Family Strong with Pastor Raymond Woodward. In this powerful sermon, Pastor Raymond discusses the spiritual war that is currently being waged on the institutions of marriage and family. He emphasizes the importance of fighting back to protect ourselves and our families from the schemes of the devil.

Keywords: capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, sermon, preach, preaching, study, teaching, bible study, family, strong, superhero, pastor, raymond, woodward, bishop.

In today’s society, families come in all shapes and sizes, from nuclear families to blended families, single-parent families, and more. At Capital Community Church, every family is welcome, loved, and valued. Whether you’re a single parent, a traditional nuclear family or any other kind of family, you belong in the great family of God.

However, our modern culture has shifted away from the traditional nuclear family, resulting in more instability for families and children. We have become focused on our own selfish pursuits, devoting less time to each other and more time to our careers, entertainment, and addictions.

This detachment from family has led to devastating consequences, such as the exploitation of children, the sexualization of teenagers, and the acceptance of destructive ideologies. We must recognize the lies of the enemy and stand against them, protecting the vulnerable among us.

One shocking example of this is the increasing acceptance of assisted suicide in Canada. What began as an option for the terminally ill has now expanded to include those with mental health issues, severely disabled newborns, and even 14 to 17-year-olds. We must not let the culture devalue any lives, as it ultimately devalues humanity as a whole.

Now more than ever, strong families and marriages are needed to combat the attacks on the family. We must fight for the importance of family values and the significance of raising children in a loving and stable environment.

Join us in this eye-opening sermon as Pastor Raymond Woodward equips us with the knowledge and understanding to stand strong in these challenging times.

Transcript: [YouTube Video Full Transcript Source](

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– The Conversation Podcast: [CCC The Conversation](
– Sermon Archive Podcast: [Capital Community Church](

Part 1 of Family Strong with Pastor Raymond Woodward. February 22nd, 2023.

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