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**Title: The Impact of Spending Habits on Friendships: How Overspending Can Lead to Debt**

**The Influence of “Spendy” Friends on Gen Z and Millennials**

A recent study conducted by Intuit Credit Karma reveals that over one-third of Gen Z and millennials have a friend who frequently leads them to overspend. This behavior often results in accumulating debt and, in some cases, even leads to the breakdown of friendships. This issue is particularly prevalent among millennials, who often find themselves in costlier stages of life and are more likely to have higher incomes compared to Gen Z.

**Financial Tensions in Moments of Transition**

The impact of “spendy” friends on millennials is more pronounced due to the significant transitions they experience, such as promotions, weddings, or having children. These pivotal moments often heighten financial tensions among friends, as different individuals have varied financial capabilities and obligations. Challenging life events, such as layoffs or medical emergencies, can also shape the financial norms within friend groups, further exacerbating the pressure to keep up with spending habits.

**Financial Challenges for Millennials**

Millennials face numerous obstacles to building wealth, including two recessions, crushing student loan debt, and exponential growth in the cost of living. These factors have made it increasingly difficult for millennials to accumulate wealth, despite their attempts to catch up financially. The COVID-19 pandemic further widened the wealth divide within the millennial generation, intensifying the pressure to maintain a certain standard of living.

**The Influence of Peers and the Fear of Missing Out**

Many respondents in the Credit Karma study admitted to falling victim to friendship “lifestyle creep” because they don’t want to feel left out, desire to keep up with their friends’ lifestyles, or aim to please their friends. However, a significant percentage of respondents acknowledged that they struggle with saying “no” to their spendy friends. This behavior can lead individuals to cut off friendships or seek people with similar spending abilities as their social circle. Gen Z respondents were more inclined to consider ending friendships due to incompatible spending habits compared to millennials.

**The Importance of Open Financial Conversations**

Credit Karma emphasizes the importance of communicating about finances with friends to alleviate the associated stress. However, over a quarter of millennials prefer to keep their income and debt a secret to avoid judgment from friends. The study highlighted dining out as the top expense that respondents incurred, followed by clothes shopping, nights out, and vacations. For Gen Z, self-care expenditures like massages and manicures were a significant portion of their spending.

**The Role of Social Media in Exacerbating the Issue**

Social media exacerbates the pressure to overspend and maintain a certain lifestyle. Seeing peers flaunting their luxurious vacations and shopping sprees can create anxiety and add additional pressure to conform. A Bankrate survey revealed that most people who make impulse purchases after scrolling through social media eventually regret their decisions.

**Overspending to Impress: A Widespread Issue**

Overspending to impress others is not limited to younger generations. Many Americans have admitted to going into debt as a result of splurging on clothes, jewelry, or cars to impress their peers. Interestingly, higher-income earners face more pressure than lower-income earners, likely due to having more disposable income.

**The Power of Social Conventions**

The influence of money on friendships is not surprising since individuals often conform to social conventions to fit in, even if it harms their own financial wellbeing. A working paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia revealed that neighbors of lottery winners were more likely to go bankrupt after witnessing their peer’s sudden rise in affluence.


Ultimately, overspending to keep up with spendy friends can have serious financial consequences, leading individuals into debt. It is important for individuals to engage in open conversations about finances with their friends to alleviate stress and avoid becoming trapped in a cycle of overspending.

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