
Digital Readiness Retreat of the UAE Cyber Security Council

**Title**: Government Digital Transformation: Enhancing Readiness and Security | UAE Digital Readiness Retreat


The Higher Committee for Government Digital Transformation recently organized a highly anticipated digital readiness retreat for the leaders of the UAE government. This retreat, attended by over 250 government officials from 50 ministries and federal entities, aimed to enhance the digital ecosystem of the federal government and boost the readiness, competitiveness, flexibility, and alignment of digital projects and systems within government entities. The focus was on optimizing the utilization of digital infrastructure and assets to elevate efficiency.

H.E. Dr. Mohamed Al-Kuwaiti, the renowned Head of Cyber Security Council for the UAE Government, emphasized the significant impact of digital transformation on various aspects of life. He highlighted the importance of ensuring that this transformation occurs in a secure manner, with the implementation of practical policies and procedures to safeguard national security.

With the rapid advancement of technology shaping our world, this retreat acted as a strategic platform for government leaders to discuss the latest trends and challenges in digital transformation. The insights gained have broadened their understanding and equipped them with knowledge to propel the UAE towards a secure, digitally-driven future.

Join us in exploring the highlights and key takeaways from this enlightening digital readiness retreat, as we delve into the UAE’s commitment to prioritizing digital readiness, cybersecurity, and state-of-the-art measures for national security.

**Keywords**: Government Digital Transformation, Digital Readiness Retreat, UAE, Cyber Security Council, Digital Infrastructure, National Security, Technology Advancements


– Higher Committee for Government Digital Transformation – [Source](
– Cyber Security Council for the UAE Government – [Source](
– Ministry of Presidential Affairs – UAE – [Source](
– Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority – UAE – [Source](

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نظمت اللجنة العليا للتحول الرقمي الحكومي خلوة الجاهزية الرقمية لقيادات حكومة الإمارات، بحضور أكثر من 250 مسؤولاً حكومياً من 50 وزارة وجهة اتحادية، وتهدف اللجنة إلى الإشراف والتوجيه فيما يتعلق بتطوير المنظومة الرقمية للحكومة الاتحادية، وتعزيز الجاهزية والتنافسية والمرونة والمواءمة الرقمية بين المشاريع والأنظمة الرقمية في الجهات الاتحادية الحكومية ورفع كفاءة استخدامها للبنية التحتية والأصول الرقمية.
وأكد الدكتور محمد الكويتي رئيس الأمن السيبراني لحكومة دولة الإمارات أن التحول الرقمي أحدث تأثيراً كبيراً في مختلف مناحي الحياة، ومن الأهمية أن يكون هذا التحول آمناً وفق سياسات وإجراءات عملية لمنع أي تهديدات تمس بأمن الدولة.

The Higher Committee for Government Digital Transformation organized a digital readiness retreat for the leaders of the UAE government, in the presence of more than 250 government officials from 50 ministries and federal entities. Federal government and raising the efficiency of its use of infrastructure and digital assets.
H.E. Dr. Mohamed Al-Kuwaiti, Head of Cyber Security Council for the UAE Government, stressed that digital transformation has made a significant impact on various aspects of life, and it is important that this transformation be safe in accordance with practical policies and procedures to prevent any threats to state security.

#csc #cybersecuritycouncil #uae #digitalreadinessretreat
#مجلسالأمنالسيبراني #الإمارات

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