
Deutscher Bundestag verabschiedet neues Einwanderungsgesetz zur Behebung des Fachkräftemangels | DW Nachrichten

**[Video Title]: Germany’s New Immigration Law Reform: Encouraging Skilled Workers to Come to Germany**


Germany’s Parliament has recently passed a new immigration law reform aimed at attracting more skilled workers from outside the European Union to come and work in Germany. This groundbreaking law introduces a unique “opportunity card” and associated points system, allowing individuals without a job offer to come to Germany for a year to find employment[^1^]. In order to be eligible for the opportunity card, applicants must possess a vocational qualification or a university degree.

To receive the card, applicants must fulfill a set of conditions, earning points based on factors such as German and/or English language skills, strong ties to Germany, and the potential for accompanying life partners or spouses to join the German labor market[^1^]. Additionally, the opportunity card enables individuals to engage in casual work for up to 20 hours per week while actively seeking qualified employment, as well as allowing for probationary employment[^1^].

This video from DW News provides a comprehensive overview of Germany’s new immigration law reform and its potential impact on the country’s skilled worker shortage[^2^]. With an increasing need for hundreds of thousands of skilled workers each year, this reform aims to make Germany a more attractive option for those seeking work abroad. The law also facilitates the process of bringing families and applying for long-term residency for workers[^2^].

Looking at the interview with Herbert Bruecker from The Institute for Employment Research, it becomes clear that this law’s key innovations include a relaxation of the previous requirement for degrees from other countries to be similar to those in Germany, as long as a certain income structure level is achieved. Additionally, the law introduces a trans card point system to allow job seekers to come to Germany and search for employment opportunities[^3^].

While this reform primarily focuses on skilled labor migration, certain aspects of the law also make it somewhat easier for humanitarian migrants with certain skill levels to work in Germany[^3^]. Although this may not dramatically alter the situation for humanitarian migration, it provides meaningful improvements.

The long-lasting effects of these changes on the German economy are yet to be fully realized. While the new law is expected to bring thousands of additional workers to Germany initially, it is acknowledged that several hundred thousand more will be needed in the future[^3^]. This law represents a crucial first step towards improving the labor shortage situation, with the potential need for future reforms if goals are not achieved.

Watch this informative video from DW News to gain a deeper understanding of Germany’s new immigration law reform and its implications for the country’s economic growth[^2^]. Subscribe to DW News for more news updates on global affairs and developments[^4^].


[^1^]: Herbert Bruecker interviews Benjamin Alvarez Gruber on DW News. [source](

[^2^]: DW News. (June 23, 2019). “Germany’s New Immigration Law Reform: Encouraging Skilled Workers to Come to Germany” (

[^3^]: DW News. (June 23, 2019). [transcript source](

[^4^]: DW News. [YouTube channel](

The German Bundestag on Friday (June 23) finally passed a new immigration law reform designed to encourage more people from outside the European Union to come to Germany for work.

A major new innovation under the law is a new “opportunity card” and its associated points system, which allows foreigners who don’t yet have a job lined up to come to Germany for a year to find employment.

A prerequisite for receiving a card will be a vocational qualification or university degree.

The cards will be awarded to those who fulfill a certain number of conditions, for which they will be awarded points: These could be German and/or English language skills, existing ties to Germany, and the potential of accompanying life partners or spouses on the German labor market.

The opportunity card will also permit casual work for up to 20 hours a week while looking for a qualified job, as well as probationary employment.


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  1. Please remove language requirements first. Tax is bearable, language requirements are pathetic. That too giving "obligation for integration course-B1 German level" for SPOUSE of skilled worker is too much. Who will come and keep spendinh money to learn language and waste time? This obligation is also not free, we have to pay for these classes and pass, otherwise resident permit will not be renewed, crazy beurocracy. Language should be picked naturally and will be done anyways. They should not force this on us. Making us look for alternative options or moving to different countries though Germany is a great place apart from the above issue.

  2. I work in a traditional field in IT/wireless communications, and the new hires are almost always non-german. It is not like the company is underpaying to attract cheap labours, but rather the younger generation of germans seem not interested in traditional engineering fields anymore and would rather be in management or as Instagram influencers.

  3. You can ease requirements all you want but nobody will hire you if you don't speak native level German and nobody outside of Europe is speaking or learning German, why should they when they would have broader horizons speaking English or French?

  4. From the comments i guess it might not fill those 2 million critical skilled worker roles.
    One big problem is that home grown talent is going to english speaking countries, while german speaking talent really is only grown in… Germany. So do we make living or remotely servicing more english friendly? Or will we offer more so that home grown talent will stay?

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