
Demeter and Emertec join forces to finance the energy transition

# Demeter and Emertec: A Fusion for Financing the Energy Transition

If you want to participate in financing the energy transition, you might want to take a closer look at Demeter Partners and Emertec Gestion. These two French investment management companies, which manage funds entrusted to them by third parties, invest in startups, SMEs, and infrastructure projects.

They have recently joined forces, and in this video, you will learn more about their investment philosophy, the types of projects they finance, and what sets them apart from other investors in the market. They have a flexible approach that allows them to invest in different stages of a company’s growth, from seed funding to mature enterprises.

Whether you are a startup looking for funding or an investor searching for opportunities in the energy sector, this video provides valuable insights. The energy transition is a booming market with many innovative projects and promising companies. However, to succeed in this competitive market, you need to choose your investments wisely.

If you are interested in learning more about the energy transition, entrepreneurship, and innovative projects, check out our website for more articles and videos. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news and trends in the energy sector.

### Keywords/Tags
Mediatico, Transition énergétique, PME, Start-up, Énergie, Entrepreneuriat

### Sources
– [Mediatico](
– [Facebook](
– [Twitter](

### Video Transcript
[Insert transcript here with proper Markdown formatting]

Le marché de la transition énergétique est en plein boom ! Pour participer à son financement, deux sociétés de gestion se sont rapprochées en 2016 : Demerter Partners et Emertec Gestion, qui se voient confier des fonds par des tiers, pour les investir ensuite dans des start-ups, des PME et des projets d’infrastructure (…)

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