
Découvrez davantage sur l’organisation comptable et sociale de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations !

**La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations: Comprehensive Overview of the French Financial Institution**

Welcome to the third video in the series on the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), a complex accounting organization aimed at securing and mobilizing the savings of all individuals for the benefit of France. Whether you’re a public servant, a student preparing for competitive exams, or simply a curious citizen, this video is for you!

In this video, Yanis BERRAHMA, an alumnus of the IRA (Institute of Public Administration), provides a free, simple, and concise explanation of the CDC. He delves into the financial and accounting organization of the CDC, presenting the different departments and organizational structure. He also emphasizes the importance of verifying the figures and consulting the CDC’s annual reports for a more in-depth understanding.

**Key Points and Figures:**

The video discusses the key figures for the year 2019, acknowledging that each year has its own significance and context. In 2019, the CDC presented an aggregated balance sheet of €459 billion, a substantial amount that demonstrates the institution’s significance. The video also differentiates between the “fonds d’épargne” (savings fund) and the general section, explaining their roles and importance within the CDC.

The “fonds d’épargne” represents the majority of the CDC’s resources, totaling €298.4 billion in 2019. This section centralizes the savings of French citizens, including popular savings accounts such as Livret A, Livret d’Épargne Populaire, and Livret Développement Durable. Alongside these savings, there are also various liabilities amounting to €25.2 billion, which represent the sources of resources for the CDC.

The video further explains how the CDC utilizes these resources. The majority of the funds (€190 billion) are transformed into long-term loans for the benefit of public interest, including supporting local communities and social housing. Additionally, there are €98.4 billion invested in various financial placements to ensure the liquidity and return on savings. It’s important to note that the CDC has no rights to the net results of the savings fund and that a portion of the results is allocated to the state.

The general section of the CDC, amounting to €171 billion in 2019, encompasses various deposits from legal professionals, notaries, and judicial commissioners. This section involves asset management, including investments in short-term and long-term debt, strategic partnerships, and diverse assets.


Understanding the complex financial organization and operations of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is crucial for professionals, students, and citizens alike. This video provides a simplified and comprehensive overview of the CDC’s accounting structure, key figures, and functions.

For additional information and detailed reports, it is highly recommended to consult the annual reports published by the Caisse des Dépôts. This will provide you with accurate and contextualized insights into the specific year of interest.


– [Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations Official Website](
– [Annual Reports of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (French)](

La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, c’est une organisation comptable complexe, destinée à sécuriser et mobiliser l’épargne de tous, au service de la France. C’est aussi un groupe, on s’y projette!

Que vous soyez un professionnel de la fonction publique, un étudiant en préparation concours, ou tout simplement un citoyen curieux, bienvenue! Ancien élève des IRA, Yanis BERRAHMA raconte la CDC de manière libre, simple et synthétique, alors vérifiez les chiffres par vous-mêmes et rappelez vous que ses propos n’engagent que son opinion personnelle, quoique documentée ! 😉

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