
Cultural Creation of Democracy: Jour Fixe on 31.08.2021

#### Video Description:

In this video, political scientist Susan Neiman and literature and social scientist Jan Philipp Reemtsma discuss the value of democratic participation with Carsten Brosda, chairman of the Cultural Forum of the Social Democratic Party and Senator for Culture and Media in Hamburg, and Gesine Schwan, chair of the Basic Values Commission of the SPD. Every month, the Cultural Forum and Basic Values Commission invite people to discuss the foundations of our coexistence in their event series “Jour Fixe – Culture creates Democracy”.

#### Keywords/Tags:

Politik, vorwärts, Bundestag, Bundesregierung, Parlament, Politisch, SPD, Sozialdemokratie, Sozialdemokratisch, Demokratie, Wissen, Politiker, Politikerin, Verlag, Willy Brandt, Olaf Scholz, Interview, Parteien, Politik einfach

#### Transcript:

The idea of this series of events was to connect political discussions with cultural debates that often get lost in technical and administrative matters. We wanted to bring together different perspectives on the foundations of our coexistence. We believe that it is important to discuss these issues with everyone, even if they have different opinions. Today’s discussion focuses on the value of voting in a democracy. We will explore the reasons why some people are not interested in voting and discuss the challenges and opportunities of representative democracy. Our guests, Susan Neiman and Jan Philipp Reemtsma, bring their expertise in political science and social sciences to provide insights into this topic. Stay tuned for an engaging and insightful conversation.

#### References:

– [Cultural Forum of the Social Democratic Party](
– [Basic Values Commission of the SPD](

Welchen Wert hat demokratische Teilhabe?
Darüber diskutieren die Politikwissenschaftlerin Susan Neiman und der Literatur- und Sozialwissenschaftler Jan Philipp Reemtsma mit Carsten Brosda, dem Vorsitzender des Kulturforums der Sozialdemokratie und Senator für Kultur und Medien in Hamburg und Gesine Schwan, der Vorsitzenden der Grundwertekommission der SPD.
Jeden Monat laden Kulturforum und Grundwertekommission dazu ein, über die Grundlagen unseres Zusammenlebens zu sprechen: „Jour Fixe – Kultur schafft Demokratie“ heißt die Veranstaltungsreihe.

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