
Crane and Duck Breast Recipes: Presented by Green Goat Ventures and Korzy’s Kitchen

**Title: Grilled Crested Crane and Duck Breasts | A Unique Game Meat Experience**

Welcome back to Corey’s Kitchen! In this exciting episode, we are fortunate enough to have acquired some amazing crested crane breasts from a hunting trip in Saskatchewan. Watch as Holly expertly wraps them in bacon, preparing them for the sizzling barbecue. But that’s not all! We also have two succulent duck breasts on the grill. Seasoned with a delightful blend of Montreal Steak spice, oil, and aromatic herbs, these meats are bound to tantalize your taste buds.

*Note: Check out the video transcript below for a detailed taste review and cooking instructions.*

If you’ve never tried crested crane before, you’re in for a treat! Referred to as the “rib eye in the sky,” this delicious game meat takes on a beef-like texture and flavor, especially when wrapped in crispy bacon. However, remember to cook it to medium or medium-rare to retain its juiciness and tenderness.

In contrast, the duck breasts offer a chewier texture and a distinct gaminess. While it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, it certainly adds a unique flavor profile to this culinary adventure.

The video showcases our mouthwatering creations after being lovingly cooked on the barbecue for approximately 35 to 40 minutes, encased in tin foil and bacon.

Join us on this extraordinary gastronomic journey as we delve into the world of game meat and discover the delicious differences between crested crane and duck. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to try these extraordinary dishes yourself – you won’t be disappointed!

For more cooking tips, game meat adventures, and mouthwatering recipes, subscribe to Corey’s Kitchen. Trust us, you won’t regret it!

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*Note: This is an approximate transcript of the video. Some portions may have been edited for clarity.*

[Transcript link here]

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