
Apple Slashes Vision Pro Headset’s First-Year Targets by an Impressive 60%

**Apple Slashes Production Targets for Vision Pro as Manufacturers Struggle**

Apple Inc. is facing challenges with the production of its highly anticipated Vision Pro gadget, leading the company to slash its production targets, according to a report by the Financial Times. The complex design of the device has posed significant difficulties for manufacturers.

**Reduced Production Numbers for the Vision Pro Headset**

The report reveals that Apple plans to manufacture fewer than 400,000 units of the Vision Pro headset in 2024. The information is based on insights from anonymous sources close to Apple and Luxshare Precision Industry Co., the Chinese firm responsible for assembling the device. Two component suppliers from China have also confirmed that Apple is only requesting parts for 130,000 to 150,000 units in the first year. Furthermore, the launch of a cheaper version of the headset has been postponed.

Interestingly, despite the challenges, Luxshare’s stock experienced a 3.5% increase in value on Monday afternoon in Shenzhen.

**Apple’s Market Value Surpasses $3 Trillion**

In other news, Apple has achieved a significant milestone on Wall Street as its market value soared past $3 trillion. This achievement reflects investors’ ongoing enthusiasm for big tech companies.

**Apple’s Vision Pro Headset Aims to Revolutionize the Mixed-Reality Industry**

The Vision Pro headset, recently unveiled by Apple, represents the company’s latest effort to sustain its sales momentum and propel the mixed-reality industry into the mainstream. The device, which bears a resemblance to high-tech ski goggles, will operate on its own operating system called visionOS and will have an exclusive App Store. The headset is expected to be released in the US early next year, followed by a rollout in other regions.

**Scaling Back Production Targets for the Vision Pro**

However, the new production targets signify a significant reduction from Apple’s initial goal of selling 1 million units of the Vision Pro within the first 12 months. The Financial Times attributes this downgrade to the challenges faced in creating high-resolution inward displays while projecting the wearer’s eyes to the external world. To overcome these challenges, Apple is reportedly collaborating with Korean display makers to develop a more affordable version of the headset.

**No Comment from Apple and Luxshare**

Despite the report by the Financial Times, neither Apple nor Luxshare has provided an official comment on the matter.

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