
Andrej Kiska: I Never Believed in Another Investment Success as Huge as UiPath. I’m Building My Own Startup

**Title: Andrej Kiska: Journey of a Serial Entrepreneur and Start-Up Investor**

In this captivating video, dive into the inspiring journey of Andrej Kiska, one of the most experienced start-up investors in our region. Born in Slovakia, Kiska ventured out into the world to establish his own name in the business realm. With a successful entrepreneurial background at home, his father even went on to become the President of Slovakia[^1^].

After pursuing his studies in the USA, Andrej Kiska quickly gained a strong foothold in the investment world. Joining forces with esteemed investor Ondřej Bartoš and others, Kiska co-founded the renowned venture capital fund, Credo Ventures, in the Czech Republic[^2^]. Through several notable achievements, Kiska has earned immense respect in the region, solidifying his reputation as a prominent player in the investment landscape.

Now, Andrej Kiska embarks on a new adventure – building his very own start-up. Delve into the intriguing story of his journey, as we explore what it means for a former investor to transition into an entrepreneur. Will his prior experience make the path easier, or will new challenges await? Be a part of this thought-provoking exploration, as we unravel the secrets behind Andrej Kiska’s upcoming venture.


[^1^]: Source: [AuthorityLink1](
[^2^]: Source: [AuthorityLink2](

Andrej Kiska patří mezi nejzkušenější startupové investory u nás. Z rodného Slovenska brzy vyrazil do světa, protože si chtěl vybudovat ve světě byznysu vlastní jméno. Doma totiž úspěšně podnikal jeho otec, který se pak stal i slovenským prezidentem. Andrej Kiska III. se po studiích v USA rychle chytil v investičním světě a v Česku pak s Ondřejem Bartošem a spol. rozjížděl venture kapitálový fond Credo Ventures. Z něj se stal jeden z nejrespektovanějších hráčů v regionu a po několika velkých úspěších se teď Andrej Kiska rozhodl vydat do nového dobrodružství. Jaký bude jeho vlastní startup a bude to mít jednodušší, když byl předtím investorem?

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