
Andrea Leadsom: Brexit Trade Provides Flexibility and Dynamism

# Join us at our annual conference as we reflect on the era-defining decision to leave the European Union!

In this thought-provoking video, we will be joined by academics, policymakers, and journalists to discuss Britain’s place in the world and its evolving relationship with Europe. With seven years having passed since the Brexit decision, it’s the perfect time to delve into the significant impact it has had on our nation.

As we head towards the next general election, our conference will also explore the changing economic landscape and the current state of British politics. It’s a must-watch for anyone seeking insights into the future direction of our country.

## Schedule:
– **9.30**: Welcome
– **9.35**: Opening Keynote

## Keynote Speaker:
The Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP (Member of Parliament for South Northamptonshire; Former Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and Former Leader of the House of Commons)

In this video, Ms. Leadsom discusses the numerous benefits of leaving the EU and explains how the agility of being a single Sovereign Nation allows us to tap into dynamic and expanding markets earlier and faster. She highlights the UK’s rise in the trade barrier index and the subsequent increase in international soft power, positioning us as a progressive influencer on the global stage.

Watch this captivating discussion to gain insights into the UK’s post-Brexit journey and discover how it continues to shape our nation’s future.

Source: [UKICE](

Join us at our annual conference as we reflect on the era-defining decision to leave the European Union. Seven years on, we will be joined by academics, policymakers and journalists to discuss Britain’s place in the world and its relationship with Europe. As we head towards the next general election, the conference will survey the changing economic landscape and the current state of British politics.

9.30: Welcome

9.35: Opening Keynote

Chair: Anand Menon (Director, UKICE)

The Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP (Member of Parliament for South Northamptonshire; Former Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and Former Leader of the House of Commons)

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  1. The Australians and New Zealanders have not stopped laughing at the trade deal we signed without question. An Australian farmer said that if their government would have damaged the Australian farming industry the way the British have destroyed their own farming industry the negotiator would be strung up. He said the British were more interested in getting a quick deal rather than a good deal just so they could boast about the benefit of 'Brexit'

  2. What delusional stuff from Leadsom ! I could pick a lot of that apart but one simple point is she sells the UK heath standards over meat production and then sells the Australian trade deal, which will see lower standard meat imported to uk putting our own farmers at risk. Plus uk parliament voted to accept lower stsndards, and yet shes selling Britain leading the way at WTO on a global standards on meat production/animal welfare. (Does she really think we the uk can change american farming methods or chinese methods 😂. Plus there was nothing stopping uk parliament to up health stsndards over meat production , the EU only ever had minimum stsndatds to adhere to , uk could always make standards higher. She spouts nonsense like this practically all the way through. Where i do agree with her, is on tackling climate change and migration but i dont see much coming out of the tory party exceot "stop the boats' which is pretty pathetic tbh.

  3. In short, we have chosen to compete head on for world trade at the expense of the loss of trade with our nearest trade partners. Partners with whom we had a complete free trade and a major say in the rules of the worlds largest trading community.
    As to soft power, the influence of the UK was high as a member and more so as one of the "big three" member states. That soft power is diminished.

  4. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅not sure how you arrive at these conclusions but the reality right now smacks of socio n economic times in the post soviet republics right in the 90s. What is sad is that people back then and there were more educated less prone to manipulation , more critically astute and even though there were fewer things , surprisingly people were more open, friendlier, more genuine, less bitter, less xenophobic, less jingoistic and possibly even actually more human. There comes brexit and as an expat I can tell you there is only so much blaming on us foreigners before you stop fronting and actually look in the mirror and realize some home truths 😊fuck brexit

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