
“A Conversation with Danny Zuckerman from 3Box Labs on the Necessary Conditions for Web3 Success, Hosted by BlueYard”

# Lightning Talk by Danny Zuckerman | If Web3 is to Work: Focusing on Composability

In this lightning talk, Danny Zuckerman from 3Box Labs discusses how building for composability is crucial for the success of Web3. He explains that rather than focusing on killer apps, the core feature of Web3 is composability.

Zuckerman argues that the current state of the Web 3 and crypto ecosystem is like a startup, lacking focus and product market fit. He believes that we need constraints as an ecosystem to direct our attention towards what matters most.

To make composability work in practice, Zuckerman suggests building a whole stack that works together. At the base, primitive data must be composable; on top, there must be a good enough developer experience, practical composability, and frictionless authentication in UX. Until each piece of this stack works together as a good enough solution, composability can’t be fully realized.

Overall, Zuckerman emphasizes that by building for composability, developers can plug into a shared data layer and build much faster than before while importing a user base and data. This approach can unlock the use cases that make Web3 mainstream and make it much more accessible for a broader range of developers and entrepreneurs.

To learn more about 3Box Labs and their work in Web3, please visit their website:

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#### Source
To watch the original video: [Lightning talk by Danny Zuckerman (3Box Labs) @ If Web3 is to Work… A BlueYard Conversation (2023)](

Lightning talk by Danny Zuckerman (3Box Labs) @ If Web3 is to Work… A BlueYard Conversation.

Denver | March 2, 2023

Learn more about 3Box Labs:

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