# Tips for Improving Your Red Umbrella Fund Application
If you’re preparing an application for the Red Umbrella Fund for 2017, this video is a must-watch. In this video, Dennis from the Red Umbrella Fund shares valuable tips and information that will help you improve your application. From eligibility criteria to useful information not found in the guidelines, this video covers it all.
Key points mentioned in the video include the eligibility criteria, the importance of clarity in your application, the necessity of filling in all fields of the application form, and the need to be clear and honest about the challenges and limitations of your organization.
**Application Deadline: July 28, 2017**
As Dennis emphasizes, it’s crucial to understand the context behind your organization and ensure that the reviewers, who are sex workers from different regions of the world, can clearly understand the work your organization does.
The video also highlights the importance of submitting the application in one of the four languages mentioned in the guidelines – Spanish, Russian, English, and French – with an additional option to submit in Portuguese. Additionally, the importance of providing references for sex work and allied organizations is emphasized.
Furthermore, Dennis encourages applicants to be strategic in framing the challenges and limitations of their organization, as this can strengthen the application.
Remember, if you have any questions about the application process, personalized feedback, or need clarification on certain questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dennis at [red umbrella fund](https://www.redumbrellafund.org/).
For more detailed information, check out the [Red Umbrella Fund website](https://www.redumbrellafund.org/) and be sure to read the compiled blog post for additional insights.
Don’t miss out on this valuable advice for a successful application. Submit your application before the deadline and increase your chances of being selected. Thank you for watching and best of luck with your application!
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