
The ALTAIR Project in the H2020 Framework

**Title:** Successful Automatic Flight Demonstration with ALTAIR Rocket Mock-Up | EOLE Flight Experiment


Welcome to our latest video showcasing the successful automatic flight demonstration of the EOLE demonstrator at the CNES’ Guyana Space Center (CSG) in Kourou. Witness the remarkable release of an inert small-scale mock-up of the ALTAIR rocket, marking the conclusion of an extraordinary flight experiment campaign.

During this experimental campaign, the primary objective was to flight-test the full carrier/launcher release sequence alongside its associated systems, including the launcher avionics system and release mechanism[^1^]. Through close coordination between ONERA and three ALTAIR partners (CNES, GTD, and Piaggio Aerospace), as well as the involvement of three SMEs (Aviation Design, LM Design, and Nano-Rennes), the flight experiments with ALTAIR and EOLE have exceeded expectations.

Join us as we delve into the details of this groundbreaking automatic flight, exploring the seamless integration of technology and precision. This successful flight not only showcases the prowess of EOLE, but also paves the way for future advancements in the aerospace industry.

Don’t miss the chance to witness the climax of this incredible collaboration, as EOLE takes to the skies with an inert small-scale mock-up of the ALTAIR rocket. Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated with the latest developments in aerospace technology.


– [^1^] [CNES: EOLE Demonstrator Flight Experiment](authority_link_1)
– [^2^] [ONERA Official Website](authority_link_2)

On September 7, 2019, at the CNES’ Guyana Space Center (CSG) in Kourou, the demonstrator EOLE has successfully performed an automatic flight with the release of an inert small-scale mock-up of the ALTAIR rocket.

This successful flight concludes the last EOLE flight experiment campaign, whose objective was to flight-test the full carrier/launcher release sequence and associated systems (launcher avionics system, release mechanism). Altair’s flight experiments with EOLE are coordinated by ONERA and directly involve three other ALTAIR Partners (CNES, GTD and Piaggio Aerospace) and three SMEs (Aviation Design, LM Design and Nano-Rennes).


Le 7 septembre 2019, au centre guyanais du CNES (CSG) à Kourou, le démonstrateur EOLE a effectué avec un succès un vol automatique avec le lancement d’une maquette inerte à petite échelle de la fusée ALTAIR.

Ce vol réussi conclut le dernier vol expérimental du démonstrateur EOLE, dont l’objectif était de tester en vol la séquence complète de lancement du lanceur / lanceur et les systèmes associés (système avionique du lanceur, mécanisme de déclenchement). Les expériences de vol d’ALTAIR avec EOLE sont coordonnées par l’ONERA et impliquent directement trois autres partenaires ALTAIR (CNES, GTD et Piaggio Aerospace) et trois PME (Aviation Design, LM Design et Nano-Rennes).

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