
Taking on the Challenge of Talent Development: Rainer Sternfeld from NordicNinja VC and Anna Andersone from RTG

**Title: The Future of Education in the Tech Industry: A Fireside Chat with Industry Experts**


In this video, CEO Anna Andersone from Riga TechGirls and Managing Partner Rainer Sternfeld from NordicNinja VC discuss the challenges and innovations in the rapidly growing tech industry. With a focus on the shortage of professionals in the field, they explore alternative education platforms and initiatives that aim to bridge the gap.

TechChill 2022, the leading Baltic tech and startup event, hosted this fireside discussion. This event brought together aspiring startups, international investors, innovative corporations, tech enthusiasts, and inspirational minds from around the world to share their stories and insights.

With keywords/tags such as #TechChill2022, #Fireside, and #Education, this conversation delves into the current employment and job market trends. The speakers touch upon the unique approaches of these education programs compared to traditional schooling and the methods used to recruit students.

Rainer Sternfeld highlights how the booming startup ecosystem in Estonia is contributing to the increase in demand for IT specialists. He emphasizes the need to re-evaluate training methods for individuals to remain competitive in the job market. The interviewee mentions their efforts in starting a free programming school for adults called Code, which offers a self-learning platform and a peer-to-peer model.

Anna Andersone echoes Rainer’s insights, sharing statistics from Latvia and discussing the challenges of introducing a new mindset to individuals entering the tech industry. She emphasizes the importance of education programs in inspiring and equipping women to pursue careers in tech.

Overall, this fireside chat sheds light on the changing landscape of education in the tech industry and the strategies employed by these innovative initiatives to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals.

*Source: [TechChill 2022](, [Riga TechGirls](, [NordicNinja VC](*

The rapidly growing tech industry is missing professionals in thousands. To meet that need, multiple innovative education platforms/initiatives have been born. Participants have a chat explaining the differences in the approach versus traditional schooling and methods for student acquisition.

🔸 Anna Andersone, CEO at Riga TechGirls

🔸 Rainer Sternfeld, Managing Partner at NordicNinja VC

Fireside discussion was a part of TechChill 2022
TechChill is the leading Baltic tech and startup event, held in April 27-29, 2022. The event brought together aspiring startups, international investors, innovative corporations, tech enthusiasts, and inspirational minds from around the world to share their stories and insights.

#TechChill2022 #Fireside #Education

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