**[Video Description] E-commerce, Efficient Logistics, and Female Entrepreneurship: Key Factors for the Viability of SMEs in Latin America | UPS Report**
In this informative video, UPS highlights the vital importance of e-commerce, efficient logistics, and support for female entrepreneurs in ensuring the viability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in regions like Latin America. The report, released on the occasion of Micro and Small Business Day, sheds light on the significant challenges faced by SMEs in terms of commercial obstacles and infrastructure limitations.
Carolina Flechas Anzola takes us through the key findings as she discusses the role of these factors in fostering resilience and empowerment within the business landscape of Latin America. According to the report, the rise of e-commerce has been a game-changer, even amidst the current economic climate. The study also highlights the remarkable growth of female entrepreneurship in Mexico and Chile, showcasing a progressive shift in the region.
SMEs play a crucial role globally, accounting for 90% of businesses, 60-70% of employment, and 50% of the world’s GDP, as emphasized by the United Nations. However, these enterprises are vulnerable to inflation and supply chain disruptions. Fortunately, the voice behind the UPS report emphasizes the recovery of SMEs in Mexico and Chile, largely attributed to female entrepreneurship, which flourished during the pandemic. The report reveals an astounding increase in female empowerment, with Chile witnessing a phenomenal growth from 57% in 2020 to nearly 74% in 2023.
Based on a survey of 4,700 companies in 12 Pacific economies, the UPS report uncovers interesting statistics specific to Chile and Mexico. It reveals that 61% of micro and small businesses in Chile utilized some form of marketplace, while the figure stands at 57% for Mexico. The voice also stresses the challenges faced by SMEs in the broader Latin American region, such as reducing informality, improving digital infrastructure training, simplifying customs procedures, and enhancing knowledge of trade agreements to facilitate exports.
To ensure the success of SMEs, collaboration with governments is vital in seeking greater ease of exporting, as well as focusing on the crucial aspect of environmental sustainability. This video serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the key factors that contribute to the viability and growth of SMEs in Latin America.
– [EFE – Agencia EFE](https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/el-e-commerce-las-cadenas-de-logistica-y-el-apoyo-al-emprendimiento-femenino-vitales-para-la-viabilidad-de-las-pymes-en-latinoamerica/20000011-4600552)
– [United Parcel Service (UPS)](https://www.ups.com/us/en/about/newsroom/press-releases/ups-business-in-latin-america-boosting-women-and-small-businesses-efforts-press-release.page)
Redacción América, 27 jun (EFE).- Comercio electrónico, cadenas de logística eficientes y apoyo a los emprendimientos femeninos son vitales para la viabilidad de las mipymes en regiones como Latinoamérica, frente a un entorno marcado por desafíos comerciales y de infraestructura, advierte la firma UPS en un informe divulgado este martes.
EDICIÓN Y LOCUCIÓN: Carolina Flechas Anzola
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