
OceanGate employees receive urgent emails regarding the perilous Titan submersible

**Former OceanGate Employees Raised Safety Concerns in Emails**
Former employees of OceanGate, the company responsible for the ill-fated Titan submersible dive, expressed concerns about the prioritization of glory over safety obligations. Emails exchanged between the employees revealed fears that the CEO’s actions could lead to harm to himself and others. The Titanic submersible ultimately went missing off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, with a crew of five individuals on board. These revelations shed light on the safety issues surrounding the expedition.

**Lack of Proper Oxygen Supply**
The crew of the Titan submersible embarked on their voyage to find the wreckage of the Titanic with only a four-day supply of emergency oxygen. This was a glaring safety oversight and could have jeopardized their lives had they not encountered another critical issue.

**Safety Concerns Highlighted by Former Director of Marine Operations**
David Lochridge, the former director of marine operations and chief submersible pilot of OceanGate, filed a lawsuit against the company in 2018. He claimed that he had been fired for raising concerns about the submersible’s ability to safely dive to the depths required to reach the Titanic ruins. Lochridge, a qualified submarine pilot and underwater inspector, repeatedly warned that the submersible was not built or tested to suitable safety standards. He had concerns that it could potentially implode, putting passengers in immediate danger.

**Exchange of Concerning Emails**
Rob McCallum, involved in the development of OceanGate’s Titanic expeditions, reached out to Lochridge after his departure from the company to understand the gravity of the situation. The email conversations revealed worry and unease within the team. McCallum ultimately withdrew from the project after being warned by experts about a catastrophic operational failure. He also discovered that the CEO, Stockton Rush, was refusing to have the sub independently classified as safe.

**Concerns about Safety and the CEO’s Priorities**
Lochridge expressed his reservations about the submersible, stating that it was not safe to dive. McCallum questioned whether the submersible could be made safe or if it was a lost cause. Lochridge firmly believed that the submersible was an accident waiting to happen, expressing concerns about Rush prioritizing his ego over safety obligations. Lochridge worried that Rush’s actions could result in harm to both himself and others.

**Other Individuals Recognized Safety Issues**
Chris Brown, a British millionaire, had also noticed major shortcomings in OceanGate’s safety protocols and decided to pull out of the Titanic expedition. Similarly, investor Jay Bloom and his son decided not to join the voyage due to safety concerns. James Cameron, the filmmaker behind the blockbuster film Titanic, blamed the accident on the submersible’s flawed design, calling it a “horrible idea.”

**Warnings Ignored by OceanGate CEO**
McCallum made a last-ditch effort to persuade Rush to reconsider his approach to innovation. He stressed that using unclassified technology in a hostile environment like the depths of the ocean was a significant risk. Rush, however, dismissed these concerns and took them as a personal insult. He stated that the cries of potential harm were baseless and accused industry players of obstructing innovation. Rush’s refusal to address these concerns demonstrated a lack of commitment to safety.

**Lack of Qualified Personnel and Trust Issues**
The departure of Lochridge had a significant impact on OceanGate’s operations. The director of finance and administration, who had no prior experience in piloting submersibles, was asked to take on the role of chief submersible pilot. This decision raised concerns among the employees, further deteriorating the overall trust in the company’s management. Many of the engineers working for OceanGate were young and inexperienced, creating additional doubts about the company’s safety practices.

The revelations from former employees of OceanGate shed light on the safety concerns surrounding the ill-fated Titan submersible dive. The exchange of emails and interviews with employees highlighted the risks associated with the company’s prioritization of glory over safety obligations. The lack of proper oxygen supply and the dismissal of safety concerns by the CEO demonstrated a negligent approach to ensuring the well-being of the crew. These issues serve as a cautionary tale for companies operating in high-risk industries, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing safety over all else.

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