
LA CAISSE DES DEPOTS ET CONSIGNATIONS : Une histoire de confiance publique – Épisode 3 (Conclusion)

**Title: The Creation of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations: A Historical Account**

Welcome to the final episode of the story behind the creation of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC). In this video, Yanis BERRAHMA, an alumni of the IRA, provides a comprehensive and concise account of the CDC’s origins. Whether you are a public sector professional, a student preparing for exams, or simply a curious citizen, you will find valuable insights in this video. Join us as we delve into the history and purpose of the CDC, its missions since its establishment in 1816, and the crucial role it plays in the economic stability of France. Yanis BERRAHMA shares his personal perspective, backed by documented research. Get ready to discover the milestones that shaped the CDC’s journey!


**Transcript (excerpts):**
– Throughout history, various crises have challenged the confidence of state creditors. To address this, precursor institutions were established to manage different types of debts. These could be considered as the ancestors of the Caisse des Dépôts in their mission of debt amortization.
– Facing these crises, Baron Louis, during the reign of Louis XIV under the first restoration, recognized the need to restore the confidence of state creditors for practical reasons that we will explore.
– Starting with the fundamentals of modern accounting, we can see the development of general dual-entry bookkeeping under Molière. In 1817, budget voting by ministry was introduced.
– In order to honor the debt, during Louis XVII’s reign, a circular in 1814 proposed Treasury bonds, paying 2% every three months, which equates to 8% annually.
– To replace Baron Louis during the second restoration, Corvetto, a symbol of reconciliation between the monarchy and the Napoleonic era, was chosen. He suggests the creation of an establishment dedicated to debt management, similar to the Caisse d’amortissement de garantie. Through stable debt amortization, interest rates can gradually decrease, encouraging French citizens to lend to the government.
– Corvetto establishes two separate entities: the Caisse des Dépôts and the caisse d’amortissement. Initially capitalized at 20 million francs, this sum later increases to an enormous 40 million francs. The capital is derived from the sale of forests, legal arrears, and professional deposits, ensuring its immutability and strict focus on public debt management.
– Join us in the next video as we explore the missions of the Caisse des Dépôts, which have evolved from its foundation.

Make sure to check out these authoritative sources for further information:
– [Source 1](
– [Source 2](
– [Source 3](

Suite et fin des épisodes de l’histoire de la création de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations: sous Corvetto, symbole de réconciliation entre la monarchie et le passé napoléonien, création de deux caisses distinctes en 1816. On s’y projette!

Que vous soyez un professionnel de la fonction publique, un étudiant en préparation concours, ou tout simplement un citoyen curieux, bienvenue! Ancien élève des IRA, Yanis BERRAHMA raconte la CDC de manière libre, simple et synthétique, alors vérifiez les chiffres par vous-mêmes et rappelez vous que ses propos n’engagent que son opinion personnelle, quoique documentée ! 😉

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