
Interview with Superhero Capital and FIRSTPICK: Lithuanian Startup AWARDS 2022

**Wrap Up of 2022: A Conversation with Jonė and Gytenis**

Join us for an exclusive interview with Jonė and Gytenis, industry veterans in the Baltic VC market. As two highly knowledgeable experts, they share their insights on the rapidly evolving world of venture capital and the joys of working in this exciting field.

🎯 Together, Jonė and Gytenis reflect on the challenges and triumphs of the past year. For Jonė, the highlight of 2022 was the launch of a new fund, which allowed her to focus on priorities and engage with the ecosystem. Overall, it was a great year for her.

💡 On the other hand, Gytenis describes 2022 as a year of new beginnings. After completing one fund, he joined another, leveraging the significant groundwork already laid. His outlook for the future is filled with optimism and potential.

📈 Looking ahead to 2023, Jonė is excited about the prospect of making successful investments with the new fund. While selecting startups and investing is the fun part, she acknowledges that the real work begins in nurturing and growing these early-stage companies.

🚀 Gytenis, on the other hand, eagerly anticipates new investment opportunities in the upcoming year. He aims to bring more Finnish capital to Lithuania, further strengthening the ecosystem and fostering mutually beneficial collaborations.

It’s clear that both Jonė and Gytenis are deeply committed to the growth and success of their local VC ecosystem. Their expertise and passion serve as an inspiration to others in the industry.

Don’t miss out on this insightful conversation. Watch the full interview to gain valuable knowledge about the VC market and discover what lies ahead for 2023.

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**Keywords/tags:** mobile legends, draft day trailer, draft day full movie

**Video Transcript:**
[Transcript of the video]

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Wrap Up of 2022 interviu #7 #SuperheroCapital #firstpick #socialhackpodcast

Jonė ir Gytenis – Baltijos šalių VC rinkos senbuviai ir labai malonūs pašnekovai. Abu vieningai sutaria, kad dirbti VC srityje yra fantastika, dream job.

🙏 Jonei didžiausiu ’22-ųjų iššūkiu ir kartu džiaugsmu tapo naujo fondo atidarymas – daug fokuso į prioritetus, daug bendravimo su ekosistema. Bendrai paėmus – geri metai.

⚡️ Gytenis ’22 apibūdino kaip „trukt už vadžių, vėl iš pradžių“. Baigęs vieną fondą, prisijungė prie kito. Didelis įdirbis jau padarytas, juo Gytenis tikrai pasinaudos ateityje.

🙏 Jonė iš ’23 tikisi pimų naujojo fondo sėkmingų investicijų: atsirinkti startuolį ir investuoti yra fun part, tikras darbas prasideda vėliau, pradedant startuolį auginti.

Jonė ekosistemai linki savimi dar labiau didžiuotis.

⚡️ Gytenis ’23-iais laukia naujų investicinių galimybių naujame fonde, atvedinės į Lietuvą daugiau suomiško kapitalo.

O ekosistemai Gytenis linki dar labiau ir visada – vieni kitiems padėti.

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