
Intervention by Marta Abbad, COO of “La Bolsa Social”, Spain’s Leading Crowdimpacting Platform.

**Title:** Investing with Impact: How to Finance with Social and Environmental Impact

Welcome to the online intervention of the “Creating Businesses Challenge in Gijón: How to Finance with Impact” held on March 13 at the Impulsa Building in Gijón. In this session, Marta Vázquez from Bolsa Social discusses the objective of offering good investment opportunities that generate both social or environmental impact and profitability.

Bolsa Social is a crowdfunding platform that connects companies with a social or environmental purpose to investors who align with this approach. With over 10,000 members and 1,600 investors, Bolsa Social has channeled over €11.5 million towards 38 social enterprises since its establishment in 2014[^1^].

During the session, Marta explains how Bolsa Social offers two lines of financing: equity crowdfunding and crowdleming loans. The platform actively seeks potential campaigns for companies in a growth phase or with significant social or environmental impact. The requirements for participating companies include having a validated product or service and a strong business model. Additionally, a selection committee composed of internal and external experts evaluates the potential for growth and impact[^1^].

The crowdfunding campaigns on the platform are divided into a pre-campaign phase and the campaign itself, each lasting approximately two months. Bolsa Social and the participating companies work closely to mobilize investors and the broader community. Once funded, companies and investors continue their communication through a private channel, where companies provide quarterly reports to their partners. Bolsa Social also organizes meetings to foster collaboration and synergies among investors and companies[^1^].

To date, Bolsa Social has supported a diverse range of campaigns, including agrotech, healthcare, sustainable fashion, and construction projects. Each campaign represents an opportunity for investors to contribute to generating social or environmental impact while also obtaining financial returns[^1^].

For more information on the companies and campaigns supported by Bolsa Social, visit their website and explore their detailed portfolio[^1^].


[^1^]: [Marta Vázquez: Cómo Invertir con Impacto](

Intervención online en la jornada presencial “El reto de crear empresas en Gijón. ¿Cómo financiar con impacto?” celebrada el pasado 13 de Marzo en Edificio Impulsa, Gijón. Marta nos trasladó que su principal objetivo es ofrecer buenas oportunidades de inversión a través de las que se pueda generar un impacto social o medioambiental pero que también obtengan rentabilidad: “No está reñida la generación de impacto con obtener rentabilidad”.

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