
HaGal Sheli – TLV-Yafo: A Chance to Create an Impact

[HaGal Sheli]( is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating at-risk youth in Israel through the power of surfing. Founded by best friends Omer and Yaron, HaGal Sheli has grown from a small volunteer project into a life-changing initiative for hundreds of teenagers and thousands of graduates.

With a passion for both surfing and helping at-risk youth, Omer and Yaron started HaGal Sheli six years ago. They began by teaching ten teenagers how to surf voluntarily, but soon realized the immense impact they were having on these young lives. They became devoted to the project, leaving their jobs and even taking out loans to make it a reality.

Today, HaGal Sheli operates three centers along Israel’s coast in Bat Yam, Tel Aviv Jaffa, and Kfar Galim. Their dedicated team works tirelessly to provide educational and surfing opportunities to at-risk teenagers. Over the years, they have witnessed incredible transformations in the lives of their participants, giving them hope and a sense of purpose.

Now, HaGal Sheli is embarking on a new adventure – the establishment of a New Educational Surfing Center in Tel Aviv. With your support, they can continue to make waves and positively impact the lives of even more at-risk youth.

Join the HaGal Sheli community today and be a part of something extraordinary. Together, we can create a brighter future for young individuals who deserve a chance to thrive.

**Disclaimer:** This video description was created through the use of artificial intelligence tools to assist in optimizing content for search engines. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we recommend visiting the official HaGal Sheli website for the most recent details and updates.

*Photographers: Tom Gan Or, Guy Grossman, Noam Eshel.*

*Sources: [HaGal Sheli](*

“HaGal Sheli” was established 6 years ago in the belief that anyone can ‘catch the wave’ and succeed in life.

Omer and Yaron first met during their academic studies, where they became the best of friends.

Between surfing waves and studying, they came up with the idea of combining their two greatest loves – educating at-risk youth and surfing.

From a dream to reality. Starting from ten teenagers which Omer and Yaron voluntarily taught to surf, to falling in love with the project and becoming devoted, to leaving their jobs and taking out loans; today “HaGal Sheli” works with hundreds of at-risk teenagers and thousands of graduates who take part in our activities every year at our three centers along Israel’s coast – Bat Yam, Tel Aviv Jaffa, and Kfar Galim.

We are going to establish a New Educational Surfing Center in Tel Aviv. Join us and Let’s Make Waves Together.

Edit: Tom Gan Or.
Photographers: Tom Gan Or, Guy Grossman, Noam Eshel

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