
Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha: The Digital Natives | Unveiling the Truth

## **What is a Digital Native? Exploring the Impact of Digitalization on Gen Z and Gen Alpha**

Welcome to our YouTube video where we delve into the concept of digital natives. Digital natives are the children who are born and grow up alongside the digital world. But what are the effects of this digitalization, particularly for Gen Z and Gen Alpha? In this video, we will compare the perspectives of Secular Capitalism and Islam on digitalization. Make sure to watch the entire video to discover the differences!

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[Muslimah Media Center (MMC)](…) is an Islamic media outlet that is committed to providing solutive and effective analysis for issues faced by the Islamic world. Our aim is to inspire individuals, societies, and countries.

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– [State of Mobile Indonesia Report]( by DataReportal.

Bestea tau istilah Digital Native?? Itu lhoo anak-anak yang lahir dan berdampingan dengan dunia digital. Sebetulnya baik atau buruk sih dampak dari digitalisasi ini, terlebih bagi Gen-Z dan Gen-Alpha?? Simak perbedaannya antara Sekulerisme-Kapitalisme VS Islam mengenai digitalisasi, cus tonton videonya sampai habis yaa bestea!!
#DigitalNative #GenZ #GenAlpha
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Muslimah Media Center [ MMC ] is the Islamic media that has a commitment to provide a solutive and effective analysis for any problems that occur in the Islamic world.
We hope that we can give inspirations for the living of human being, society, and country.

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