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**Journeyman Actors on the Frontlines of the Actors’ Strike**

**Unrecognized Faces, But Essential Voices**

Jason Kravits and other journeyman actors like him often go unnoticed by the general public, despite their frequent appearances on television. These actors, who work for scale pay and constantly seek new opportunities, are the heart of the actors’ strike. They struggle to make ends meet, needing to cover essential expenses such as rent, bills, and healthcare. Contrary to popular belief, most actors are not wealthy and rely solely on their acting careers to support themselves and their families.

**Residual Checks: A Representation of the Struggle**

Even successful actors like Jennifer Van Dyck face financial challenges in the industry. Van Dyck, known for her appearances on popular shows like “The Blacklist” and “Law & Order,” has spent over 30 years as an actor without needing to find work outside of the industry. However, the emergence of streaming platforms has significantly impacted actors’ income, as these platforms offer minimal residuals. Additionally, negotiating fair rates on shows has become increasingly difficult, with studios often presenting a “take it or leave it” offer, regardless of an actor’s experience. Van Dyck emphasizes that actors play crucial roles in telling stories, even if they are not part of the main cast, and their contributions should not be underestimated.

**A Passion That Can’t Be Treated as a Hobby**

Jason Kravits, who developed a love for theater at a young age, pursued acting as a career after studying it in college. He has portrayed diverse lawyer roles throughout his career, always striving to bring something unique to each character. However, the industry’s focus on the bottom line has limited negotiation options, especially when it comes to residuals. Kravits emphasizes that acting is not a hobby; it is his livelihood, making it essential to receive fair compensation.

**Actors United for the Greater Good**

With the strike interfering with the airing of the final episode of “The Blacklist,” actor Diany Rodriguez, who played a significant role on the show, has redirected her energy towards her responsibilities as a strike captain. Rodriguez views the strike as a crucial part of the larger labor movement, enabling actors to stand up for their rights and support the greater good. While she feels financially secure due to her work on “The Blacklist,” she acknowledges that many actors are facing the loss of health coverage and struggling to meet eligibility requirements for insurance plans.

**The Evolving Landscape of Acting and Its Challenges**

Amari Dejoie, following in her father’s footsteps, pursued acting despite his initial reluctance. Studying acting and taking on side jobs as an extra and model, Dejoie understands the changing nature of the industry. Her father experienced the benefits of residuals, particularly during health issues, and acknowledges the crucial role of unions like SAG in ensuring actors receive their rightful payments. Dejoie also expresses concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence on the industry, especially in positions like extras, where jobs may become scarce.


Journeyman actors, often unrecognized by the public, are the heart of the actors’ strike. These actors, who rely solely on their acting careers, face financial challenges and the evolving landscape of the industry. The strike serves as an opportunity for actors to unite and fight for fair compensation, ensuring that their contributions to storytelling are valued and respected.

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