
Entretien avec Christophe Bavière, PDG et associé fondateur d’Idinvest


Welcome to Idinvest Partners, a trusted player in mid-market Private Equity in Europe with 8 billion euros under management. We specialize in various complementary areas including innovation & growth capital for young and innovative European companies, mid-market private debt (unitranche, senior loans, and subordinated financing), primary and secondary investments in European private companies, and private equity advisory services[^1^].

At Idinvest Partners, we focus on financing young and highly innovative companies in the digital domain, recognizing the strong link between innovation and digital advancements. Additionally, we provide private debt solutions to more mature businesses looking to fuel their growth through external acquisitions. By providing them with the necessary funding, we empower these companies to execute their growth strategies effectively.

Furthermore, we engage in fund of funds and secondary transactions activities. In secondary transactions, we acquire investments that are already matured, rather than starting from scratch. We believe that Europe is a fertile ground for entrepreneurial opportunities, and we leverage this landscape to create value for our clients[^1^].

In summary, Idinvest Partners is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of all businesses, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to various stages of growth and investment requirements. Join us on this journey and explore the vast opportunities available in the European market.

[Musique] ida vase is a team of over a hundred professionals dedicated to investing in private companies across Europe. Our primary strategy involves providing funding to young and highly innovative companies, particularly those operating in the digital sector. Innovation is often synonymous with digital advancements, making this an exciting area to focus on.

The second part of our activities revolves around private debt. We support slightly more mature companies looking to fuel their growth through external acquisitions. By providing them with the necessary funding, we enable them to execute these strategies effectively.

Lastly, we engage in fund of funds and secondary transactions. In secondary transactions, we acquire investments that have already reached a certain level of maturity. This approach allows us to capitalize on the unique and highly fruitful entrepreneurial landscape that Europe offers.

Idinvest Partners operates amidst a wealth of opportunities, offering a diverse range of services tailored to businesses at different stages of growth. Join us as we unlock the potential of the European market.

[^1^]: Source: [Idinvest Partners Website](

Avec 8 milliards d’euros sous gestion, Idinvest Partners est un acteur reconnu du Private Equity mid-market en Europe. Idinvest Partners a développé plusieurs expertises complémentaires en capital innovation & croissance à destination d’entreprises européennes jeunes et innovantes ; en dette privée mid-market (unitranche, prêts senior et financements subordonnés) ; en investissements primaires et secondaires dans des sociétés européennes non cotées ; et en activités de conseil en Private Equity.

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