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**Judge Prohibits Federal Agencies from Working with Social Media Companies on “Protected Speech”**

A judge has issued an injunction, preventing federal agencies and officials from collaborating with social media companies regarding “protected speech.” This decision was made in response to a lawsuit filed by attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri, who claimed that the government exceeded its authority in pressuring social media platforms to address certain posts related to vaccine hesitancy and elections during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ruling has been hailed as a victory for the First Amendment and a setback for censorship.

**Evidence of Widespread Censorship**

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, based in Louisiana, justified the injunction by citing “substantial evidence” of a widespread censorship campaign. He likened the actions of the United States government to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” The evidence presented in the case depicted a troubling scenario during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time marred by doubt and uncertainty. The injunction aims to prevent the government from assuming the role of arbiter of truth and stifling the core political speech of ordinary Americans on social media platforms.

**Republican Officials React to the Ruling**

Republican U.S. Sen. Eric Schmitt, the former Missouri attorney general involved in the lawsuit, lauded the judge’s decision as a significant triumph for the First Amendment and a blow to censorship. Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry echoed this sentiment, asserting that the injunction protects ordinary Americans’ right to engage in political discourse on social media platforms. Landry expressed shock and offense at the evidence presented during the case, claiming that senior federal officials believed they had the authority to dictate what Americans could say on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube about COVID-19, elections, government criticism, and more.

**Possible Next Steps**

The Justice Department is currently reviewing the injunction and assessing its options. The administration maintains that it has consistently encouraged responsible actions to safeguard public health, safety, and security during challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic and foreign attacks on elections. While the government believes social media platforms have a vital role to play in addressing the impact of their platforms on the American people, it also emphasizes their independence in making decisions about the information they present.

**Details of the Injunction**

The ruling specifies several government agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services and the FBI, that are prohibited from engaging in discussions with social media companies aimed at suppressing protected free speech. Additionally, specific officials, such as Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, are mentioned by name in the order. However, the injunction allows for exceptions, such as informing social media firms about criminal activities, conspiracies, national security threats, and other potential dangers found on their platforms.

**The Lawsuit and Allegations**

Apart from the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit include individuals, one of them being conservative website owner Jim Hoft. The lawsuit accuses the administration of using the threat of regulatory action, whether favorable or unfavorable, to coerce social media platforms into censoring content it deemed to be misinformation on topics such as masks, vaccines, and election integrity during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also touches on other subjects, including claims about Hunter Biden, the president’s son, and material found on his laptop.

**Government’s Perspective on Misinformation**

Administration lawyers argue that the government has left it up to social media companies to determine what constitutes misinformation and how to combat it. They liken the lawsuit to an attempt to impose a legal gag order on the federal government and suppress the speech of government officials under the guise of protecting the speech rights of others. The government contends that the proposed injunction would impede its ability to counter foreign influence campaigns, prosecute crimes, safeguard national security, and provide accurate information to the public on matters of grave public concern, such as healthcare and election integrity.

In conclusion, the injunction issued by Judge Terry Doughty serves as a significant development in the ongoing debate over the regulation of speech on social media platforms. It represents a victory for those who uphold the importance of the First Amendment and view government intervention in social media as a potential threat to free speech.

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