**Watch the Latest Episode of Hashtag Belmondo: Ganjar Pranowo Rebuttal and Future Alliances – Political Buzz News**
Are you ready for an in-depth discussion on the trending political issues? Join us on Hashtag Belmondo, a new program on Cokro TV that aims to equip young people with strong knowledge and broad insights on the political landscape. In this episode, we delve into the recent meeting between key figures from the Demokrat and PDIP parties, which seems to have caused a stir in their relationship. What does this mean for the future alliances in the political realm?
The meeting between Ahy and Puan was not just a casual gathering, it had significant implications for both parties. The presence of high-ranking officials from both Demokrat and PDIP indicates that important matters were discussed. Rumor has it that there might be a larger meeting involving Megawati and SBY, which could potentially put an end to the strained relationship between the two parties. Will this lead to a possible coalition between Demokrat and PDIP?
If such a coalition materializes, there will undoubtedly be negotiations and bargaining between the parties. One possible scenario is Demokrat requesting the vice presidential position for Ahy. As we all know, Ahy has been speculated as a potential candidate for the coalition of change, and this demand would strengthen Demokrat’s position, which has seen a decline in recent elections both in the legislative and executive branches.
However, it’s important to note that the decision-making power within PDIP lies with Ibu Mega. Therefore, it remains to be seen how she views the proximity between PDIP and Demokrat and the request for a vice presidential candidate. Ahy may face competition from other prominent figures, such as Ganjar, who has already formed a coalition with PDIP and has a strong position with the support of Sandiaga Uno. The same goes for other potential candidates like Erick Thohir, who is gaining recognition in the political arena.
In the end, the outcome will heavily rely on Ibu Mega’s stance. If she rejects the idea, then Ahy’s hopes for the vice presidential position may be in jeopardy. This could potentially lead to a major fallout between PDIP and Demokrat, reminiscent of the past when Demokrat’s allegiance shifted between Jokowi and Prabowo during the presidential elections.
Demokrat needs to stand firm in its decision, especially if it decides to join forces with PDIP and Ganjar. This would be a logical move to secure its position in both the legislative and executive branches. However, it’s crucial not to get too hopeful for Ahy’s vice presidential candidacy, as it still depends on Ibu Mega’s approval. Will there be a breath of fresh air in their relationship or will a storm be unleashed? Only time will tell.
Join the conversation in the comment section by sharing other trending hashtags for us to discuss together. Watch the latest episode of Hashtag Belmondo with me, Bell Mondo Scorpio, on Cokro TV. Stay informed, engaged, and ready for the latest political buzz!
*[Musik](source)*, *[Tepuk tangan](source)*. *[Musik](source)*.
Hashtag Belmondo adalah program baru di Cokro TV. Program ini bertujuan untuk membekali anak muda dengan pemahaman yang kuat, wawasan yang luas dan berbagi informasi soal isu-isu politik yang sedang trending. Yuk, ramein kolom komentar dengan hestek-hestek yang lagi viral untuk dibahas di video Hashtag Belmondo berikutnya!
#demokrat #sby #ganjarpranowo #pdiperjuangan #pilpres2024 #cawapres2024
GANJAR – ERIK T. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Ganjar cocok jadi menteri saja.
Hahahhaha..aktor FTV,,,judul film " jadi presiden di negara konaha"😂😂😂
Lebih baik AHY gabung pdip paling tidK dapat jatah menteri dari pada tidak dapat apa apa
Yakin anjlok kalau ahy jd cawapres,badai bg ganjar..
Gubernur Jawa tengah,malah ngurus dki😅😅😅😅.
Ganjar – Erik 👍👍👍
Boleh saja si gabing kualisi tapi jangan mengharapkan jadi cawapres nya pak ganjar ..kalau mengharap mentri pastinya akan mudah di setujui oleh kualisi pdip
PDIP awas hati2 jebakan betman PD waspadalah!!
kasihan puan…. kemaren mega angkuh harus kader sendiri .. sekarang ngemis2 minta AHY… para badut bingung cara fitnahnya.. https://youtu.be/zH2B7yg2SLg
Saya berharap demokrat kembali ke koalisi perubahan dan ahy jadi cawapres AB supaya bisa sama sama tenggelam. Saya yakin pdip bakal santuy aja.😂
Rebutan wakil ganjar sebab akan lolos putaran ke 2 sama kayak ahok dulu lolos putaran ke 2
Sy pendukung anies tp ini tidak bisa di pungkiri klo di 2024 yg jadi prabowo, pasti terjadi 2 putaran , dan yg pasti final prabowo,
Prabowo vs ganjar pastinya pendukung anies ke prabowo
Prabowo vs Anies pastinya sebagian besar pendukung ganjar ke prabowo
Jadi kemungkinan prediksi gusdur akan terwujud bahwa prabowo bisa jd presiden..
Mengajak bareng2 nonton vidio porno ?
Pendukung Anies 🆚 Pendukung Ganjar. KEDUANYA SAMA TOLLOOLL NYA..
Cawapres Prof Mahfud MD 👍
Kita bandingkan pak ganjar dan pak anies pendidikan sama sama lulusan UGM tapi melanjutkan ke luar negeri jurusan ekonomi pembangunan karir sama sama gubernur 2 periode pak anies 1periode prestasi pak eko tidak bisa menunjukan prestasinya di depan tokoh PDI Perjuangan pak trimed dan trimed menerangkan kinerja pak ganjar kalau pak anies membangun jis jaklingko jaki dan membangun taman terbuka tibet eco park yang dapat penghargaan dari pemerintah singapura hubungan global pak ganjar belum ada gambarnya pak anies sekjen PBB mengetahui kecerdasan dan tetcatat 100tokoh intelektual berpengaruh di dunia sejajar dg vladimir putin dan sering mengisi seminar di luar
Ra po po, bro… kalo belom bisa belajar dari pengalaman masa lalu, biarin aja terus terombang-ambing tanpa kepastian.
Lah, wong namanya udah karakter, tuh… sulit diubahnya sampe lebaran kuda juga, hehehe… 🤣🤣🤣
MAU JADI APA PRESIDEN yg jadi PETUGAS PARTAI….MIKIR….mau jadi apa NEGARA INI…..yg dikendalikan NYONYA BESAR….sementara PRESIDENnya hanya sekedar PETUGAS….MIKIRR….
Cawapres Ganjar yang pas dan cocok itu,Deny,,Eko,,atau Ade Armando 😂😂
Loh, trus Tokoh Perubahan ga jadi berubah ya? 😂
Jika Bisa rukun dalam berpolitik utk mikir masa depan Indonesia itu tujuan sangat mulia,tapi jangan lupa yg di kehendaki utk bisa ikut menseyahteraan Rakyat itu jika masih punya ambisi pribadi,sebaiknya jangan.apalagi punya masalalu yg sdh menghitam dan mengental.
Hati hati PDIP
Blunder klo sampai terjadi …
Awas srigala berbulu ketek 😂😂😂
Kata "mungkin" Tidak akan terjadi
Apa Ganjar pasti Nyapres ?,,kog rebutan jd Cawapresnya 😊
Ganjar aldi taher gua pily 😂😂😂
Ganjar Pranowo, Mahmud MD.
Masa mau milih AHY. Org culas gitu kok. Yg lain saja. Msh bnyk yg baik
cocok di pasangkan dengan abu janda
kalau demokrat jadi ikut koalisi PDIP dan meminta jatah wakil presiden itu namanya KETERLALUAN, sudah dikasih tawaran ikut koalisi yang jelas saja itu juga sudah cukup
Maria ozawa aja
Semoga jend.andika perkasa jd RI2 bersama pak ganjar! 🔥👍🏽
Yang rebutan jadi wakil paling 🐷🐸 SETAN IBLIS PKI KOMUNIS BEJAT LAKNAT pak Sandiaga RK Mahfud MD Erick ahy gak akan mau karena takut ketularan virus PARNO
Sandiaga uno dan mahfud md yg cocok jd cawapres….. Demokrat sedang sakit hati" klo memilih ahy… Bisa" ganjar ikutan sakit yg ujung"nya kalah di pemilu yg akan datang