
G2 Reach: The Current State of Venture: More Challenging and Grittier, with Accel, Iconiq & Salesforce Ventures as Key Players

## Description:

Welcome to this deep dive panel discussion on venture capital and the growth of SaaS and Cloud companies. In this video, we have gathered the best and most knowledgeable experts in the field to discuss what’s happening in the industry. Join us for an in-depth analysis of the current state of venture capital and its intersection with venture buying.

This video is part of G2’s Reach.g2.2022 event, where industry leaders and professionals come together to share insights and knowledge. Be sure to check out the rest of the sessions at

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## Transcript:

Hi everybody! I am Jason Lemkin, the founder of SaaStr, the world’s largest community for B2B Founders. I’ve personally invested over $100 million in venture-backed startups. Today, we have an epic panel to discuss what’s happening in Venture Capital and Venture buying. Joining me are the best experts in the field:

– Alex Kyle from Salesforce Ventures, with the biggest portfolio of cloud investments.
– Arun Matthew from Excel and IT, a renowned venture capital firm with iconic investments in SAS companies.
– Doug Pepper from Iconic Growth, an OG SAS investor with extensive experience.

We’ll be discussing the current state of SAS companies and venture investments. But first, let’s do a one to ten rating. Arun, how would you rate SAS companies’ performance from one to ten?
[Arun’s response]
Alex, what’s your rating for SAS companies’ performance?
[Alex’s response]
We’ll dive deeper into these ratings, so stay tuned!

(Source: [Original Video](YouTube link))

Venture capital, especially growth stage, is under intense pressure these days. Yet, the leaders in SaaS and Cloud are still growing at epic rates even well beyond $1B in ARR. What’s happening? Check out our deep dive with the best of the best from G2’s Reach.g2.2022.

And check out the rest of the sessions over at

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