
“Quattro Open Talk: Exploring Corporate Venture Capital and Novel Models of Venture for Open Innovation”

**Title: Quarto Open Talk on the Future of Venture Capital and Open Innovation in Startups**

Welcome to the fourth Quarto Open Talk organized by MUG di Emil Banca on January 14, 2021. In this webinar series, we engage in a dialogue with the key players in the field of open innovation and startups. Our guests include Matteo Passini, Vice Director of Emil Banca, Angelo Coletta, President of InnovUP, Enrico Poli, Director of Zanichelli Venture, Lorenzo Franchini, Head of Boost Innovation Fund, and the National Innovation Fund. This talk covers the theme of venture capital and new models of investment in open innovation in the Italian startup ecosystem.


In this webinar, we discuss the challenges and opportunities for venture capitalists and startups in the current scenario. Our expert panel shares how we can invest our time, money, and energy in the right direction to bring positive change in the Italian innovation system. We explore the importance of a community approach to innovation and building strong relationships to support each other.

Angelo Coletta, President of InnovHub, talks about the open innovation Italian ecosystem, its various players, and their contribution to the startup scene. Enrico Poli, Director of Zanichelli Venture, shares how they are generating innovation and creating products that enable people to learn better. Lorenzo Franchini, Head of Boost Innovation Fund, gives insights into their innovative approach to investment and financing for startups.

Join us in this insightful conversation about the future of venture capital and open innovation in startups. Feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the chat, and we will address them during the Q&A session.

Source: [Magazzini Generativi](, [Emil Banca](

Quarto Open Talk organizzato da MUG di Emil Banca il 14/01/2021. Gli Open Talk sono un ciclo di webinar dove dialoghiamo insieme ai protagonisti dell’innovazione aperta e del mondo delle startup.

Ospiti della puntata:

– Matteo Passini, Vice direttore di Emil Banca
– Angelo Coletta – Presidente di InnovUP
– Enrico Poli – Direttore di Zanichelli Venture
– Lorenzo Franchini – Responsabile Fondo Boost Innovation – CdP Venture capital SGR – Fondo Nazionale Innovazione

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