Title: ‘Swipe Right to Sue’: File Lawsuits Easily with DoNotPay App
Did you know that you can now file a lawsuit by simply swiping right on an app? In this video, we discuss the new DoNotPay app that allows users to easily initiate legal actions. Whether it’s a small claims court case or a class-action lawsuit, DoNotPay makes the process simple and accessible. Special thanks to our guests Dumbfoundead and David So for joining us in this discussion.
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[David So’s YouTube Channel](http://youtube.com/DavidSoComedy) | [David So’s Facebook](http://facebook.com/Dsocomedy) | [David So’s Twitter](http://twitter.com/davidsocomedy) | [David So’s Instagram](http://instagram.com/davidsocomedy/)
On this episode, our host Tiffany Del Real and our commentators, Bart Kwan, Geo Antoinette, Joe Jitsukawa, and David So, discuss the implications of this new app and share their personal experiences with lawsuits and legal matters.
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– Tiffany Del Real: [Instagram](http://instagram.com/real_tiff)
Channel Manager: Jessica Caldwell – [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/jess_michelle512)
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[Source: Washington Post – ‘Swipe right to sue: Now you can file lawsuits the same way you find hookups on Tinder’](https://wapo.st/2TEmKJD)
You can now file a lawsuit by simply swiping right in an app
Sue Happy News – https://wapo.st/2TEmKJD
Special Thanks to Our Guests & Friends:
• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/dumbfoundead
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dumbfoundead/
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/dumbfoundead
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dumbfoundead/
David So
• YouTube: http://youtube.com/DavidSoComedy
• Facebook: http://facebook.com/Dsocomedy
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/davidsocomedy
• Instagram: http://instagram.com/davidsocomedy/
• Hosted by Tiffany Del Real
• Commentary by: Dumbfoundead, Bart Kwan, Geo Antoinette, Joe Jitsukawa, David So
• Edited by Sean D. Nguyen: http://twitter.com/seandnguyen
Submit JKNews Articles Here: http://tinyurl.com/justkiddingnews
Main Cast~
• Joe Jo: https://instagram.com/joejitsukawa
• Bart Kwan: http://instagram.com/bartkwan
• Geo Antoinette: http://instagram.com/Geo_Antoinette
• Tiffany Del Real: http://instagram.com/real_tiff
Channel Manager~
• Jessica Caldwell: https://www.instagram.com/jess_michelle512
Assistant Producers~
• Brandon Choi: https://www.instagram.com/bchoii/
• Julia Chow: http://instagram.com/xblueapplez
• JUST KIDDING FILMS: http://youtube.com/justkiddingfilms
• JUST KIDDING PARTY: http://youtube.com/justkiddingparty
• JOE’S CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/joejitsukawa
• BART & GEO’S CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/GeovannaAntoinette
• BARBELL BRIGADE CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/bartkwan
• TIFF & CASE’S CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/TiffandCase
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Geo nice legggsss
"I don't think Asians are the suing type."
"Minorities, dude."
I love it when David's stuff blows up back in his face lol
sue you
Dumb: "i don't think asians are the ' suing type". That was pretty dumb
Have you ever heard of a place called CHINA
Looooooooooove dumb ^^
Yo i live in lodi its 45 mins from Sacramento chill 😂
Damm David what part of Sac are you from if Lodi is 2 hours away?
This is one of the videos where you can see the white gabinetes with snacks
David said Lodi is 2 hours away from Sacramento, it’s 40 mins 😂
01:09 wHiTe gUY CAUCASIAN!!
@3:50 Geo… Stop the teasing!
I think i got my 6 hours of mandatory driving practice from some illegal chinese driving school lmfao
I love that you can sue people in USA for being an idiot and win xD
its messy back there lol … I love the mexican flag tho ❣😋
I wish I would of known about this app sooner. I could of sued my ex for emotional distress.
This is scary…
Man this is old
I thought David gained weight again for a second
This is the first time I realize how fine jelo titz r
One of my teachers haves five speeding tickets and she said that she haven't paid any of them.
Spread the word fornite made a tiff skin!! Fine af!!😍
I love that app.
Dumb has been in a couple of videos already but lately he looking more and more attractive 😍😅
I got pulled over by an MP (Military Police), and went I went to court for it, the MP that pulled me over didn't show, but a different MP was there
holy geos & tiffs boobs are on a level
love it
I'm watching this with my guinea pig
just thought I should share
Bart's acting like the cheese is like some saran wrap suffocating the babies. Its damn cheese
$800 for a speeding ticket!?!?!? wtf!?! The only ticket I have gotten which was a speeding ticket for going 18 over. I only had to pay $120 for it and since i did the online drive safety i didn't get any mark on my record.
I guess they nickel and dime you in every way they possible can in Cali huh.
I’m LIVING for Petty Wap David 😂
Um david lodi is about 35 minutes away from Sacramento😂😂😂
I'll sue ya!
I'll take all of your money
I'll sue ya!
If you even look at me funny
I'll sue ya!
I'll take all of your money
I'll sue ya!
If you even look at me funny
I'll Sue Ya great song.
I love it when they post boobie episodes.
Off topic; remember that one news story about that one mom that made her daughter think she had cancer. Well, they are making it into a true story movie, called "The ACT". I just saw the commercial for it. It looked both crazy and interesting.
The app is dope af for poor ppl who dont know the process of sueing
Damn david so slim!
Tell me why was I unsubscribed from jknews, what kind of abomination is that?
Its not a sue app, its a how to sue app. It provides you a template and fills in information for you and provides instructions on how to sue.
Tiffany! 🔥🔥🔥