
Ben Marrel’s Keynote: Investing in the Global Tech Sector and Reimagining Africa

**Title: The Tech Scene in Africa and Beyond: Insights from Ben Marrel, Founding Partner of Breega Capital**

Welcome to this insightful discussion with Ben Marrel, the Founding Partner of Breega Capital, a founder-friendly venture capital firm with €250M under management. In this video, Ben shares his thoughts on the tech scene in Africa and its global implications.

As the tech industry continues to evolve, Ben stresses the importance of local presence and connection to founders when making investments. He highlights the 20-minute rule often followed in the US, where investors prefer companies located within a short distance from their office. This proximity allows for better collaboration and support in the early stages of a startup.

Ben also discusses the origin of the tech ecosystem in the US, which was fueled by a combination of ambition and financial support from the government. Similarly, he points out the role of government investment in the success of tech ecosystems in countries like Israel.

Turning the spotlight to China, Ben explains how the Chinese tech scene rapidly gained momentum by implementing a strategy of closed borders and focusing on their own market. By nurturing local talent and injecting significant resources, they successfully created homegrown tech champions.

Lastly, Ben explores the European tech landscape, which took a different approach by embracing openness and international partnerships. While Europe boasts top-tier universities and a pool of talented individuals, initial capital investment was scarce in the early post-war years. However, the continent has made considerable progress in recent times to foster a thriving tech ecosystem.

If you’re interested in learning more about the global tech landscape, venture capital, and the African startup scene, make sure to watch this intriguing discussion with Ben Marrel.

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startups, venture capital, private equity, venture funding

*Source: [AfricArena](*

Ben Marrel is the Founding Partner of Breega Capital – a founder-friendly VC, with €250M under management, speaks about the tech scene in Africa and globally.

AfricArena 2019 Summit.

#startups #venturecapital #privateequity #venturefunding

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