
Assortment of miscellaneous musings.

Transitioning to a New Role: Rambling Thoughts on the Job Search, Leaving Calm, and Taking a Sabbatical

Job Search: The Importance of Balancing Time and Opportunities

As my last day at Calm approached, I had planned to take a three to six-month break before pursuing a new job. However, after weighing my options and consulting with friends, I realized that there were fewer executive openings in 2023 than in previous years. This, coupled with the fact that a prolonged job search can be exhausting for both the job seeker and their network, led me to take a different approach.

Instead of waiting months to start my job search, I decided to focus on only pursuing roles that I would accept without hesitation, provided there were no major red flags. I set a high bar for myself and let my search take as long as necessary to find the right opportunity. Ultimately, I landed a role that I’m excited to start next week.

Leaving Calm: Reflecting on My Time There

At Calm, I learned a great deal and worked with some exceptional leaders, peers, and team members. However, I eventually came to the conclusion that my rate of contribution and learning was tapering off, and it was time for me to move on. When considering my next role, finding an opportunity that would challenge me and provide ample opportunities for growth was my top priority. I hope to continue learning at a pace that will enable me to write a new book every four years.

Taking a Sabbatical: Tips and Advice

During my break from work, I planned on completing my next book and enjoying some much-needed relaxation. While I still have a few months to go before finishing my manuscript, I’ve found that setting clear goals and having a schedule has helped me stay productive.

For those considering a sabbatical, I recommend having a clear financial position to support your job search and break from work. Additionally, it’s important to take some time to relax and not schedule too many meetings or calls right away. Lastly, having a set of goals to focus on during your time off can help keep you on track and feeling productive.


Transitioning to a new role and taking a break from work can be both exciting and daunting. However, by staying focused on your priorities and taking the time to relax and recharge, you can make the most of this transition and set yourself up for success in the future.

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