
Communication Channels and Methodology for Members of the Umbrella Fund

Video Interview: Mologadi Makwela, Head of Marketing and Communications at Sanlam Corporate

In this insightful interview dated 4 Jun 2024, Mologadi Makwela, Head of Marketing and Communications at Sanlam Corporate, delves into the crucial topic of effective communication strategies for members in light of the upcoming TUOT system.

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Transcript Highlights:

  • The communication strategy at Sanlam Corporate is focused on educating, informing, and empowering members with financial confidence.
  • Multiple touchpoints are utilized, including email, SMS, WhatsApp, retirement benefits counselors, and live webinars to ensure members are well-informed and supported throughout the transition to the new system.
  • Common questions and concerns from members revolve around opting out of the system, understanding how the system works, and accessing their funds.
  • The effectiveness of communication is measured by member feedback and responses, guiding the development of future content.
  • Future communication strategies may involve gamification, AI integration, and technological advancements to enhance member engagement and understanding.

Communication is identified as a key factor in helping members make informed decisions that will impact their financial future. Makwela emphasizes the importance of collaboration between employee benefits providers, the media, and other stakeholders in ensuring widespread access to essential information.

Source: YouTube – Mologadi Makwela Interview

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