
China’s Recent Expansion of Green Energy Diplomacy in Africa: A Week in Review

# Over the past six months, the number of green energy deals announced by Chinese private and state-owned enterprises in Africa has noticed a noticeable increase. But unlike the earlier era of Chinese-financed infrastructure development in Africa, this new push into renewable energy is much smaller in scale and far more targeted. This week, Geraud and Cobus join Eric to discuss what’s behind the recent surge in green energy initiatives across the continent and how renewable power projects are emerging as a new form of Chinese soft power in Africa — a new “green diplomacy” agenda.

## Chapters
– 00:00 Introduction
– 01:57 Topics Discussed in This Episode
– 02:43 South Africa Power Outages
– 13:51 Update – Paris Summit on Debt and Climate
– 20:47 Green Energy Conundrum for Africa
– 33:41 Chatbots’ Shortfalls
– 51:22 Conclusion

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Check out the full video transcript [here](source-link).

**Keywords/Tags:** China, Africa, Foreign Policy, International relations, politics, energy, green, solar, development, artificial intelligence

**Source Links:**
– [China Global South Project](
– [Africa China Reporting Project](
– [ESCOM](
– [Paris Summit on Debt and Climate](source-link)
– [Google Bard Conversation](source-link)

Note: The source links provided are placeholders and should be replaced with authoritative sources.

Over the past six months, the number of green energy deals announced by Chinese private and state-owned enterprises in Africa has noticed a noticeable increase. But unlike the earlier era of Chinese-financed infrastructure development in Africa, this new push into renewable energy is much smaller in scale and far more targeted.

This week, Geraud and Cobus join Eric to discuss what’s behind the recent surge in green energy initiatives across the continent and how renewable power projects are emerging as a new form of Chinese soft power in Africa — a new “green diplomacy” agenda.

00:00 Introduction
01:57 Topics Discussed in This Episode
02:43 South Africa Power Outages
13:51 Update – Paris Summit on Debt and Climate
20:47 Green Energy Conundrum for Africa
33:41 Chatbots’ Shortfalls
51:22 Conclusion

Twitter: @ChinaGSProject| @stadenesque | @eric_olander |@christiangeraud

Français: | @AfrikChine
عربي: | @AkhbarAlSinAfr

Become a CAP Patreon member and get all sorts of cool stuff, including our Week in Review report, an invitation to join monthly Zoom calls with Eric & Cobus, and even an awesome new CAP Podcast mug!

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  1. Interesting topics. Credit to the hosts and guest for conducting such quality discussions. Thoughts:

    1. It’s appalling to learn about the severe level of power shortage/outage in S Africa. How can an economy survive let alone advance under these circumstances? That’d be a serious existential threat to the country, any country. What is the government doing about it seriously; it begs the question. I’d like to see a separate broadcast devoted to that topic so we can understand better.

    2. Even when China was dirt poor, they extended their helping hand to countries in Africa. Western countries have been in Africa for decades as post-colonial powers and did nothing to help except to extract what they could. China has been increasing their investment in Africa as they have increased their wealth. With China’s leadership in green tech, they are now able and willing to assist in that area. It’s absolutely disrespectful and offensive to label China’s efforts as “green diplomacy”. Nobody else is willing or bold enough to offer a better solution. Instead, they do the only thing they can, which is to bad-mouth China’s efforts. We’ve seen this movie before, haven’t we, in “vaccine diplomacy”. I’m not a “China hugger” by any means. Substitute China with another country in the story and I would advocate the same. It’s a matter of fairness.

    3. Interesting discussion on AI. In the computer biz, the old cliche still applies: garbage in, garbage out. The western mainstream media has been spewing garbage for so long now, particularly vis-a-vis China, AI is simply spewing the same garbage. We reap what we sow. As simple as that. Unfortunately, this incestuous circular referencing will go to yet another level because of AI — the western lies will travel even faster and wider.

    The only way to fix the problem is at the root — western mainstream media; good luck with that.

  2. Interesting conversation! 👍
    When talking about energy issues in Africa I think nuclear energy should be included in the discussion.
    Currently China is building many nuclear power plants and are planing even more in the coming decades. Like it or not nuclear will be a big part of the future (green) energy solution.

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